
时间:2022-07-29 18:11:34 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1 学生能较清晰地了解完形填空的考查特点。

2 学生能掌握完形填空五种基本的解题技巧:上下文语境、逻辑推理、背景知 /生活

常识、词汇重现、词义辨析。 【学习重点】掌握完形填空解题技巧。



Have you ever planted any trees on Tree Planting Day? Every year, millions of people, both the old and the 1 pla nt a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make our home a 2 place. Last week we visited a city in Hebei. We were all _3 to see a lot of trees bur ning n ear the hills. We drove there and asked

why. The workers there told us that the trees _ _4_ soon after they were pla nted. So they _ 5 _ them and cleaned the place for planting _6__ trees this year. We found a card and it said,

_ 7 _ this tree will grow up with me to be the

backbone栋梁)of our country.” The workers said that it was important for us to plant trees, but making them __ 8__ was more important.

Some people now have a new idea that they can don ate )some money and let professionals专业人士 ) plant and ______ 9 __ the trees. Because they have more _10__ about planting trees and can do better than us. Do you think so? ( ) 1. A. new B.young Cweek Dstro ng

. Cgree ner . Dlarger B. warmer ( ) 2. A. smaller

. C. surprised . D. glad B. happy ( ) 3. A. pleased

B. grew Cgone D. disappeared ( ) 4. A. died

. Ccut B. broke Dburned ( ) 5. A. held

. . CDdead ( ) 6. A. few B. old new . C. D

( ) 7. A. hope B. thi nk guess doubt

. Cgree n . Dalive 8. A. strong B. happy ( )

( ) 9. A. take out B. take dow n . C. take away . Dtake care of

. Dbook B. kno wledge Ctime ( ) 10. A. money

. .

1我做完形填空题的方. 法:

2. ________________________________________________________________ 做完形填空题的困惑: ____________________________________________________


一、 Warming up:信息询问

1. 这首歌是谁写的? ______________________________________________________ 2. 你还会唱其他英文歌吗? ________________________________________________ 二、 Leading in: Guessing game! Common sayings谚语: 1. Easy _________ , easygo. 2. Like father, like ___________ . 3. Failure is the mother of ___________ .

4. All things are difficult before they are _________ . 5. An eye for an eye and atooth for a ___________ . Sentences:

6. Mr. Black is a doctor, he works in the __________ .

7. A nurse not only works in theday, but also works during the ____________ . 8. He is ratherbusy, so he has ___________ time to have lunch at home. 9. We have an English test this term. It's veryeasy. Most students can ___ this test. 10. The whole classwent to the zooyesterday. They were verytired but ______ . 三、 Skills of Cloze Tests:

Practice and competition Skill 1: Context 上下文、语境

1 I invited my friends for dinner in my new house. I wondered what I should for


A. buy B. cook C. make D. look

2 There were good things and bad things. We used to live in/on a _____ and my

parents always got up early in the morning to feed the cows. A. town B. farm C. street D. city Skill 2: Logic 逻辑推理

1 The dog dug up all those apples for her bird friends to eat. This beautiful act taught

me what real _______________ was. A. kindness B. life C. beauty D. winter

2 My mother often asked me, Whatis the most important part of the body?I

thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, My ________ , MommyShe said, No. Many people are deaf …”

A. ears B. eyes C. body D. head

Skill 3: Background knowledge/ Common sens背景知识、生活常识
