
时间:2023-12-13 03:32:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

以下是 10 个夸赞老虎勇敢的英语谚语及其意思:

1. "A brave man is a lion." 勇敢的人就像狮子一样。

2. "Courage is the virtue of the小虎." 勇气是小虎的美德。

3. "In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed tiger is king." 盲人的王国里,独眼的老虎是国王。

4. "The tiger does not flee from danger." 老虎不会逃避危险。

5. "The tiger is not afraid of the unknown." 老虎不惧怕未知。

6. "The tiger never backs down from a challenge." 老虎从不退缩挑战。

7. "The tiger is fearless in the face of danger." 老虎在危险面前是无畏的。

8. "The tiger is a symbol of strength and courage." 老虎是力量和勇气的象征。

9. "The tiger is brave and powerful, feared by all." 老虎勇敢而强大,令所有人畏惧。

10. "The tiger is a fierce warrior, feared by all." 老虎是凶猛的战士,令所有人畏惧。
