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2020. 07

第一部分 选择题(80)

一、听力部分(共20小题;每小题1, 20分)

A. 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1道小题, 从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍)

1. How does Diana keep in touch with her old friends?

2. How did the woman go travelling last week?

3. Which charity are they talking about?

4. Which sign is on the wall?

5. What type of books does Jack like to read best? A. History

B. Culture

6. What's wrong with the girl? A. She's got a headache.

B. She's got a backache.

7. How did the girl help the children in the poor area? A. By donating pocket money.

B. By giving out her books

C. By working as volunteers.

8. What does Anne usually use her computer to do? A. Watch videos.

B. Chat with friends.

9. Why does the woman say sorry?

A. Because she found she couldn't follow the man.

C. Novels

C. She's got a toothache.

C. Search for information.

B. Because she thought she was speaking too slowly. C. Because she didn't know she was speaking too fast. 10. What's the woman's attitude(态度)about the plan? C. She's hopeful. B. She's worried. A. She hates it.

B. 听下面3段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题, 从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或短文读两遍) 听一段对话, 回答第1112小题。 11. What are they talking about? A. A short film.

B. An English game.

C. A learning app.

12. Why does Aunt Lily study English? A. To help the boy.

B. To travel abroad.

C. To go to school.

听第一篇短文, 回答第1315小题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。

Different manners

Countries In China In Japan In 14 countries

In England 13. A. Greet each other 14. A. American 15. A. Finishing


__13 when visiting a Chinese family. Take off the shoes before coming into a house. There is no need to take off the shoes.

__15 the drink or the food shows that you enjoy it.

B. Take off your shoes B. European B. Tasting

C. Knock at the door first C. African C. Smelling

听第二篇短文, 回答第. 1620小题。 16. Which subject may be Mark's problem? A. Maths.

B. English.

C. Science.

17. What kind of sport is Mark good at? A. Running.

B. Jumping.

C. Ball games.

18. How does Mark get to school? A. On foot.

B. By bike.

C. By bus.

19. Where does Mark usually spend his free time? A. On the playground.

B. On his uncles farm.

C. In his father's business.

20. What does Mark want to do in the future? A. To be a tractor driver.

B. To sit in an office.

C. To have his own farm.

二、单项选择(共15小题, 每小题1, 15分)

在下列各题ABCD四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 21. There is a chess match between a kid and a computer.

How amazing! Playing _______ chess is usually ________ one-to-one game. A. /; a

B. the; a

C. /; an

D. a; the

22. What do you think of studying online?

That's great. We can talk about the problems with classmates easily _______this way. A. by

B. with

C. in

D. on

23. Now more and more people follow the ___________on A. instructions

B. Conclusions

to learn cook.

D. conditions

C. Situations

24. Please don't leave the room __________you finish the test. Thank you. I _____________. A. until: will

B. when; haven't

C. until; won't

D. then; don't

25. It __________ about half a year_________ Kobe, the great basketball layer, passed away. A. has; since

B. was; since

C. is; since

D. has been; for

26. If we _________ materials like empty tins and old clothes, our natural resources will last long. A. use

B. repair

C. reduce

D. renew

27. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Don't ____ your dictionary all the time. A. look on

B. carry on

C. keep on

D. depend on

28. Have you finished your fashion design?

Not yet. I'll finish it if I ____________ten more minutes. A. am given

B. give

C. will give

D. will be given

29. Judy ______________getting up early on weekdays but gets up late at weekends. A. used to

B. got used to

C. was used to

D. is used to

30. Have you decided _____________ to Beijing. Yes, by plane. It has a special offer in July. A. when to go

B. how to go

C. with who to go

D. where to go

31. Sorry, Miss Liu. I left my homework at home. Must I hand it in today? No, you ____________. You ___________ bring it here tomorrow. A. mustn't; should

B. can't; must

C. mustn't; may

D. needn't; can

32. When the fire started, Mr. Lee was _____________to help all his students out. How brave! A. too calm

B. calm enough

C. too nervous

D. nervous enough

33. 33. It is meaningful children __________in charity work at a young age. A. of; to join

B. for; to join

C. of ; joining

D. for; joining

34. Mrs. Green, do you think I can get an "A" in the final if I start working hard now? Of course. "______________________". A. Better late than never

B. Many hands make light work D. Actions speak louder than words

C. Don't burn the candle at both sides
