春节“吃团圆饭”“给压岁钱”用英语怎么说? 吃团圆饭 On the last day of the lunar year, there is a big family dinner。 阴历年的最后一天,通常要吃一顿丰盛的团圆饭。 On New Year's Eve the whole family had a sumptuous feast of reunion。 除夕之夜, 一家人吃了一顿丰盛的团圆饭。 Whenever possible, these people tried to follow the Chinese tradition of returning home and reuniting with family members. Onthis day all the members of a Chinese family gather around the table for a "reunion dinner," also known as "tuan yuan fan." 在有可能的情况下,都一定要在“除夕”那天赶回家来吃团圆饭,同父母妻儿共享天伦之乐。 It doesn’t matter if the family members cannot get together a tordinary times, but they should have a family reunion dinner on a festival。 平时不在一起没有关系,但是过节的时候,一定要全家人聚在一起,吃一顿团圆饭。 给压岁钱 In Song Dynasty, adults gave coins wrapped in red paper to childrenas a lunar new year gift to protect them from evil。 在宋朝的时候,压岁钱是大人用红纸包着铜钱给小孩的新年礼物,相信以此保护孩子免受妖怪袭击。 Parents give their children lucky money in red envelopes. 父母亲给他们的小孩子装著红包的压岁钱。 Lucky money for you. 这是给你的压岁钱。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1baf52fbba0d4a7302763a49.html