烤漆 : spray paint,
如果做高亮面烤漆: high Gross spray paint,
一般放产品的地方 产品支架做烤漆 : spray paint施工图中英文对照表:
接待台: info counter 吧台: bar table ,洽谈区: meeting area ; VIP 室: VIP room
VIP室玻璃门:VIP room—glass door 开门带锁:Lockable door 衣帽钩:coat hooks
玻璃镜:glass mirror
储藏室:storage room/area ; 储藏柜:Storage cases 展示柜: showcase, 展示区:show area
吊点:hanging point , 电箱:electric box /outlet ,电线:wire, 电线延长线: extension cord
方案介绍:proposal presentation 桁架:truss 线帘:line shade 铝型材:Aluminium Profile
地面:flooring , 圈绒地毯: needle punch carpet , 地毯:carpet 加厚的thick needle punch carpet 绿色植物:green plants 白色的地板平台100毫米:100mm white floor plat 咖啡机:cafe machine 中国结:chinese knot
发光地台: lighting Platform, 斜坡:ramp 不锈钢包边:metal edge frame
海报:poster 海报尺寸:poster size:2200mm(H)*700mm(L) 尺寸:Dimensions
产品:products 产品尺寸:product size:2200mm(H)*700mm(L) 顾客产品:customer product
发光字: 3D lighting letter
立体字: 3D letter
亚克力字: acrylic letter
阴刻字体:intaglio letter
亚克力灯箱:Acrylic light box 亚克力支撑:Arcylic support
阴刻发光: intaglio letter
即时贴:foil type (foil sticker)
主结构类(main structure) 主结构外油漆:the main structure:wood(oil—painted)
主结构外油漆:Main wood structure paint 涂料:Board finshed in roll paint(white)
油漆或者烤漆:Wooden structure high gloss spray paint
亮面烤漆:high gloss spray paint
烤漆/喷漆: spray paint
涂料: paint
防火板: laminate
发光灯箱: lighting box
灯带:lighting inside(light tube)射灯:HQl spot light 筒灯:down light 吊灯Hanging light 插座:scoket
路灯里面要穿线:the wire goes inside of the pillar
短臂射灯:short spot light 长臂射灯:long spor light
圆管:tub 不锈钢管:steel pipe
木结构: wooden structure(main wood structure paint) 内部的钢结构:internal steel structure
18mm密度板:18mm Density board 深:deep
打开这扇门与锁把手:open the door with a lock and put his hand
液晶电视:42 inch plasma 42寸 (42" plasma)
弹力布写真LOGO:frabic printing LOGO
磨砂玻璃墙配平移门:semi-transparent glass wall with slide door
磨砂玻璃墙:semi-transparent glass wall
磨砂玻璃:semi-transparent glass 钢化玻璃:tempered glass 有机玻璃:plexiglass
参考结果: reference results
墙的形状如图:shape of the walls shown in figure 形状如图:Shape as shown in figure
做了一个共10:made a total of 10
英语国际音标表 48个因素01-01