记忆用英语怎么说 记忆 [jìyì] 1. 动词 remember 2. 名词 memory 记忆犹新 the memory is fresh 记忆 [jìyì] 1. recordation 2. memento 3. retention 4. recollection 5. remembrance 6. memorize 7. wit 8. recall 9. remember 10. memory 11. mind 12. thought汉英例句 宁静的村庄,奔淌的小溪,就是他对故乡全部的记忆。 The tranquil villages and flowing brooks—that’s all that he can recall about his hometown. 这个笔记本承载着我童年时的一段记忆。 This notebook carries my childhood memories. 他的记忆力真是太好了,默写的内容与原文毫分不差。 He has an excellent memory, and can write the text from memory. 机械手缩回机舱内,捧着一块用记忆合金制造的卫星天线残片。 The robot arm retracted into the cabin, holding a remnant of satellite aerial made of shape memory alloy. 毕业晚会上同学们的笑脸,至今还刻印在他的记忆里。 The smiles of his classmates at the graduation party are engraved in his mind. 多年以后他歌唱的绕梁之音,我仍记忆犹新。 After many years, I still clearly remember his beautiful voice. 时人说起那件事来都还历历在目、记忆犹新。 People of that age still remember it vividly to this day. 父亲给予我的庭训,几十年后我记忆犹新。 The earnest teachings my father once gave me linger on in my mind scores of years later. 这个零件是由形状记忆合金制成的。 This machine part is made of shape memory alloy. 他的音容笑貌永远印刻在我记忆深处。 His voice and expressions would always be deeply engraved in my heart. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1d39b815b7360b4c2e3f64d3.html