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生活里的一些小惊喜 some little surprises in life 中英对照(英澜英语

1 急着上厕所,快要忍不住的时侯,突然发现了个公厕。

I need to go to the bathroom badly and I finally find a public bathroom. 2 发现不常穿的衣服口袋里面竟然有一百块。

I unexpectedly find 100 Yuan in a pocket of some clothes I dont wear often.

3 刚到车站,车就来了。上了车,车里人多,自己站的位置座位上刚好有人下车。

The bus arrives right when you get to the bus stop. You get on the bus, its very crowded, but a seat opens up.

4 刚走到电梯门口,电梯门开了。

The elevator door just opens as soon as you walk up to it. 5 你正要买的东西降价了。

You go shopping and you find that the things that you wanted to buy are on sale. 6 一下子将废品扔进了垃圾箱,太准了。

he got the rubbish in the dustbin first time, nice shot! 7 排队时,你站的队比边上的速度快多了。

You line at the xx moves faster than the other lines. 8 开车外出,竟然一路绿灯。

Youre driving and you dont hit any red lights. 9 在大雪上面留下你的脚印。

Leaving your footprint on the snow.

10 广告时间上个厕所,回来的时候节目恰好开始。

You go to the bathroom during the commercial break, and when come back, the commercial break has just ended.

11 别人为你挠背,他一下子挠到了最痒的部位。

Someone goes to tickle you, and they accidentally scratch an itch. 12 正在想某个人,突然他()的电话打过来了。 Youre thinking of someone just before they call you. 13 终于解开一个死结。

You finally untie a very difficult knot. 14 路边捡到十元(以上)钱。 You find ten Yuan on the road.

15 过完年刚上班,老板给你升职了。

You return to work after New Year and find that youve been promoted.
