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【期刊名称】《管理学报》 【年(),期】2018(015)004

【摘 要】依据因果逻辑,跨越合法性阈值是目标导向性的理性选择行为的结果;依据凑效逻辑,跨越合法性阈值是以手段为前提的即兴行为达成的效果.通过对一个技术型新创企业的案例研究,发现合法性阈值跨越过程中呈现凑效与因果过程的迭起现:在产品研发阶段,跨越隐性合法性阈值是凑效过程形成的效果,即创新等因素带来的“副产品”,企业以手段为前提,并通过沟通互动获得利益相关者的自我承诺;在商业化阶段,跨越显性合法性阈值是一个通过采用理性的合法化战略而实现的目标,创企业在“舞台”上表演,并通过讲故事和身份宣称而进行意义建构;在成长阶段,产品研发和商业化并行,合法性阈值的跨越是凑效与因果这两个过程的结.%Under causation logics,crossing legitimacy threshold is an outcome achieved by making rational choices with a goal-oriented mindset.However,effectuation logics imply that it can also be an improvisational effect based on a mean-oriented mindset.Using a single case study of a high-tech new venture,this study reveals the spiral dynamics of effectuation and causation in the process of crossing legitimacy thresholds.At product innovation stage,crossing the latent legitimacy threshold is an effectual effect and a by-product of innovation.It starts with available means and progresses by obtaining self-commitment of stakeholders through communication and social interaction.At

commercialization stage,crossing the explicit legitimacy threshold is an achieved goal by adopting rational legitimation strategies including performing on different stages and sensemaking with storytelling and identity claim.At growth stage,crossing legitimacy threshold is a process combining effectuation with causation. 【总页数】10(P475-484) 【作 者】徐二明;肖建强;李维光

【作者单位】汕头大学商学院;中国人民大学商学院;中国人民大学商学院;中国人民大学商学院 【正文语种】 【中图分类】C93 【相关文献】

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