
时间:2022-05-03 14:52:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一那不完全是你的错That’s not all your fault AI must apologize for having delayed the work. 我耽误了工作,我得为此道歉 BNo,that’s not all your fault. 哦,不,那不完全是你的错。

ABut you will miss your good chance.I’m So sorry 但你会错过你的好机会我非常抱歉

BThere’s no need to apologize.Forget about it. 我不接受你的道歉,忘了它吧 二你应该再把这些数据核对一次

AI think you should look over these figures again. There are some calculations that are a bit off.

你想你应该再把这些数据核对一次。一些计算结果有出入。 BI apologize. This should not have to be this way. 我很抱歉。这个应该不是这样的。

AApology is accepted. Try to do better next time. 我接受你的道歉。下次试着做得更好。

BOf course, I should have been more careful. I’m sorry. 一定,我本来可以更仔细的。对不起 三怪我太粗心打碎了杯子

ALet me clear away the broken glass. 我来收拾碎杯子吧。

BNo,I can manage it myself.Just sit down,please. 不用了,我一个人就行了.请坐吧.

AIt's very careless of me to have broken your glass. 怪我太粗心,打碎了您的杯子. BNever mind. 不要紧。

