幸福拍手歌英文歌词 幸福拍手歌英文歌词 If you're happy and you know itClap Your hands 如果你知道自己很快乐,就拍拍手吧 If you're happy and you know itClap your hands 如果你知道自己很快乐,就拍拍手吧 If you're happy and you know itNever be afraid to show it 如果你知道自己很快乐,就大胆展示出来吧 If you're happy and you know itClap your hands 如果你知道自己很快乐,就拍拍手吧 If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet 如果你知道自己很快乐,就跺跺脚吧 If you're happy and you know itstomp your feet 如果你知道自己很快乐,就跺跺脚吧 If you're happy and you know it never be afraid to show it 如果你知道自己很快乐,就大胆展示出来吧 If you're happy and you know itstomp your feet 如果你知道自己很快乐,就跺跺脚吧 If you're happy and you know itwink your eye 如果你知道自己很快乐,就眨眨眼吧 If you're happy and you know it wink your eye 如果你知道自己很快乐,就眨眨眼吧 If you're happy and you know it never be afriad to show it 如果你知道自己很快乐,就大胆展示出来吧 If you're happy and you know it wink your eye 如果你知道自己很快乐,就眨眨眼吧 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/203da3a2adaad1f34693daef5ef7ba0d4b736d6a.html