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【期刊名称】《化工进展》 【年(),期】2014(000)005

【摘 要】The characteristics and applications of nanofiltration membranes are briefly introduced. Common organic polymer nanofiltration membrane materials are reviewed,including cellulose acetate and aromatic polyamide,novel nanofiltration membrane materials covering natural polymer and polyelectrolyte , inorganic nanofiltration materials and inorganic-organic hybrid composite nanofiltration membrane materials. For these membrane materials,structural characteristics,chemical properties , membrane fabrication processes and applications are contrastingly analyzed and summarized from different

perspectives,including high flux,resistance to pollution,organic solvent resistance and chlorine resistance. Then development trends and

application prospects of nanofiltration membrane materials are predicted. And in the immediate future,two issues will become hot topics of research. One is the development and structure control of high-performance nanofiltration membrane materials;the other is the design of structure and function with different nanofiltration membrane materials matrixes.%简单阐述了纳滤膜的特点与应用,综述了乙酸纤维类、芳香族聚酰胺类等常用有机高分子纳滤膜材料,天然高分子、聚电解质等新型有机高分子纳滤膜材料,无机纳滤膜


【总页数】10(P1210-1218,1229) 【作 者】李祥;张忠国;任晓晶;李继定

【作者单位】清华大学化学工程系化学工程国家重点联合实验室,北京 100084;轻工业环境保护研究所,北京 100089;轻工业环境保护研究所,北京 100089;华大学化学工程系化学工程国家重点联合实验室,北京 100084 【正文语种】 【中图分类】TQ028.8 【相关文献】

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