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The aim of Sociology of Family

There are great many issues concerning the family that we will consider. Our aim is to get an overall picture of what causes what. Why has the family taken particular forms in the past? What is happening to it today? What can we expect for families in the future? These issues are important, for men and women as groups, for the larger society as a whole, and for each of us as individuals.

We all experience families. Virtually everyone has been brought up in one, and most of us will have a family of our own. The family has, to a considerable degree, shaped what we are, and it will be a major part of our life experience in the future. The sociological theory of the family has personal and practical relevance that virtually no other part of sociology shares. This is not to say that sociology is capable of drawing faultless guidelines on how to live a happy family life. Many of the issues are too powerfully embedded in the social world we live in for us to manipulate them easily. But the sociological perspective gives us some insight. If it cannot let us evade many of the conflicts, it can at least alert us to what they are and present some ways of dealing with them.

The sociology of the family is also relevant from a third point of view. Increasingly, the family is a subject for professional practitioners. Most of the work of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists as well as counselors and social workers deals with the family or its effects on individuals. Although some of the problems that one witness are psychological, in the sense that we can see them in individuals, they are not necessarily psychological in their origins. We need to understand the sociology of the family to see how many issues arise.

For example, there was a time when women struggling for some autonomous roles in a male-dominated system were diagnosed as merely having psychiatric problems; today, a sociological perspective gives better insight into the causes of their situation and possible courses of action.

The family also has a major effect on how children succeed in school, and indeed on important aspects of their subsequent careers. Professional educators as well as career counselors and personnel managers thus would also benefit from some lessons in the sociology of the family. The growing importance of political issues around the family makes it of practical relevance for all of us to know what aspects of the surrounding world affect the inside of the family and vice versa.

Purpose of the Sociology of Family

1, One important set of topics in the book covers the concerns of a course on contemporary marriage. It is designed to introduce students to what to expect in their own family life: what information is worth knowing, what problems may be expected, what practical techniques are available for dealing with issues that arise. 2, A second kind of course focuses more on the family as an institution in society. Here we

are concerned with what a family is in general, why it takes particular forms in particular societies, and what forces are responsible for changing and shaping it as the world moves into a new phase. What makes this area of study especially timely is the fact that we are living through a period of major change in the history of the family. 3, A third approach to the family is to see it as the locus of a series of practical issues that bear on the work of many different professions. Here we may dealing with a course that is taken by students preparing to become counselors, therapists, welfare workers, as well as educators, family law specialists, and law enforcement personal.

The family is deeply implicated in the problems of poverty, crime and delinquency, school achievement and career success, and more specifically, in the controversies over child and spouse abuse, marital and extramarital sex, illegitimacy, abortion, divorce, child custody, remarriage, and aging. One might even argue that politicians, political activists, and citizens in general need to be concerned with the sociology of the family in order to act insightfully on these issues as they intersect with public policy.

The family is not just a practical problem to be solved, a theory to be mastered, or a social issue to deal with. It is also a center of the emotional, the beautiful, and the dramatic in life. Love, sex, childhood, the phases of life, and the struggles of human history are all part of the life drama.
