高考英语拓展阅读今日腊八节“腊八”和相关习俗英语怎么说 “腊八,腊八,冻掉下巴”,这句俗语相信大家都听说过。今天是农历腊月初八,被认为是一年中最冷的一天,也是我们中国特有的一个传统节日——腊八节。今天和同学们分享一些关于腊八的英文小知识。 腊八用英语怎么说? The 12th lunar month in Chinese is called la yue, so the eighth day of this lunar month is la yue chu ba, or laba. “腊八”一般可以直接用拼音“Laba”来表示,后面进一步说明这一天是农历十二月初八(the eighth day of the 12th lunar month)即可。 The day is also known as the Laba Rice Porridge Festival. The Laba this year falls on Jan 10. 因为腊八节有喝腊八粥(Laba rice porridge)的传统,所以也可以简单介绍说这天又称the Laba Rice Porridge Festival。 节俗(Festival Custom) There is an old saying: Don’t make your mouth water children, because the Laba Festival and the Spring Festival are just around the corner. 俗话说:“小孩小孩你别馋,过了腊八就是年。” Laba is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to the traditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. “La” in Chinese means the 12th lunar month, and “ba” means eight. 腊八节是农历十二月初八,这一天象征着庆祝中国传统新春佳节的开始。“腊”代表一年中农历最后一个月,而“八”代表第八天。 There are several legends about the origin of this festival and we could not tell which one is true. But what we know today is that this festival started as a sacrificial offering to ancestors. It was also a time for the ancient Chinese to pray to heaven and earth that there would be a bountiful harvest. 关于腊八起源的传说有很多,已经难辨真假。我们可以确定的是,这个节日起初是为了祭祀祖先、祈求丰收以及为即将到来的一年祈福。 The two most important traditions associated with Laba Festival are: eating Laba porridge, and praying for peace and good health in the coming year. 腊八节这天,两个最重要的传统就是喝腊八粥和祈福新年平安了。 食俗(Food Custom) 腊八粥 The Laba porridge The Laba porridge is not only a yummy traditional rite (习俗) in China to mark the Laba festival but also a delicacy (美味) good for health. 腊八节喝腊八粥是中国传统习俗,腊八粥不仅好喝,对身体也十分有益。 腊八粥,表达为“Laba porridge”;“la”即“腊”,农历12月就是“腊月”,即“12th lunar month”。腊八就是腊月初八,这天要喝的腊八粥也称八宝粥,即“Babao porridge (eight treasures)”。 Generally, the porridge contains eight ingredients which can include sticky rice, red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond and peanut, etc. 腊八粥通常由八种材料做成,这些材料可以是黏米、红豆、小米、高粱、豌豆、莲子和一些诸如红枣、栗子、核桃仁、杏仁、花生等谷物。 Since the earliest beginning of the Song Dynasty, this porridge has been popular in the royal court, local authorities, temples and common families. 最早开始于宋代,每逢腊八这一天,不论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥。 The Laba porridge is called “Union Food” in Henan Province, which is a food custom in memory of China’s national hero Yue Fei. 在河南,腊八粥又称“大家饭”,是纪念民族英雄岳飞的一种节日食俗。 腊八蒜 The Laba garlic Another custom is the soaking of Laba garlic. The practice is very simple. Put the stripped garlic cloves into a sealed jar, and then pour vinegar into it. 腊八节的另一传统是腌制腊八蒜。做法很简单,将剥好的蒜瓣放在一个可以密封的罐子里,然后再倒入醋。 Gradually, the color of those garlic cloves will turn green. By the time of the Spring Festival, you can taste the garlic while eating dumplings. 慢慢地,泡在醋中的蒜就会变绿。这样,到春节的时候,就可以在餐桌上与饺子同食了。 腊八豆腐 The Laba tofu The Laba tofu is a folk specialty of Qian County in Anhui Province. Before the Laba Festival, every family in Qian County will dry tofu in open space. “腊八豆腐”是安徽黔县民间风味特产,腊八之前,黔县家家户户都要在空地上晒制豆腐。 腊八面 The Laba noodles In some places of the North that do not produce or produce less of the rice, people eat the Laba noodles instead of the Laba porridge. 在我国北方一些不产或少产大米的地方,人们不喝腊八粥,而是吃腊八面。 One day before the festival, people cut up all kinds of fruits and vegetables and prepare the noodle roll. Then in the morning of the Laba Festival, the whole family can eat the Laba noodles. 隔天将各种果蔬切碎,把面条擀好,到腊月初八早晨全家吃腊八面。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/21396911dd80d4d8d15abe23482fb4daa58d1d2c.html