
时间:2023-03-04 17:07:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



游戏成语接龙 规则:整个联欢活动一开始大家就已经围成一个圈,这个游戏开始的时候,由主持人选择一个开头的人说出第一个成语,然后一个接一个的顺时针顺序接下去,说出来的成语要是上一个人的成语最后一个字当第一个字,(比如我说四喜发财,你就要说出一个以财开头的成语,比如财大气粗,然后就是以粗开头如此类推 )谁在10秒或者20秒钟内没说出来,受惩罚 惩罚:就是饶着大家跑一圈,再跑的过程中,主持人会说出几个指令受惩罚的人就要按照指令去做,比如主持人会说停,你就要停下来,说学狗叫你就要学狗叫,学僵尸走路你就要学僵尸走路等等 Idioms Solitaire game Rules: The entire gathering beginning has been surrounded by a circle, this game at the beginning of the beginning of a selected by the moderator say the first idioms, and then one by one clockwise order next speak out if the last word on a person’s idiom idiom when the first word (for example, I said Sixi fortune, you have to say the one to the the fiscal beginning of the idiom, such as the deep pockets, then that is rough at the beginning and so on) who in 10 seconds or 20 seconds, did not say it, in relation to the punishment Punishment: Rao lap rerun the




process, the host will say a few instructions would be punished who should do it in accordance with the instructions, such as the host will say stop, you have to stop, said school dogs barking you have to bark like a dog, learning the zombie walk you will learn the zombie walk



