
时间:2023-03-08 13:08:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A curious guy goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot. There he sees a parrot with a red string tied to its left leg and a green string tied to it's right leg. He asks the owner the significance of the strings. “Well, this is a highly trained parrot. If you pull thered string he speaks French; if you pull the green string he speaks German。” replies the shop keeper.

“And whathappens if I pull both the strings?”our

curious shopper inquires. “I fall off my perch you fool!!” screeches the parrot.


这个好奇的人接着问,“要是我两条线都拉,会怎么样呢?” “我就会掉下来了,你这个傻瓜!!”鹦鹉尖叫着说。
