养鸟英语 一天,我和爸爸晨练回来,观察有人在卖鸟。那笼子里,有山雀、画眉、八哥、黄莺、鹦鹉等。一只只跳上跳下,非常可爱。我央求爸爸给我买鸟。爸爸挑了一对虎皮鹦鹉,说两只鸟在一起好养。 One day, my father and I came back from morning exercise and saw someone selling birds. In that cage, there are tits, Thrushes, starlings, warblers, parrots, etc. One just jumped up and down, very cute. I begged my father to buy me birds. Dad picked out a pair of budgies and said they were easy to raise together. 这对鹦鹉真美呀,身上的羽毛有好几种颜色:绿的、黄的、白的、蓝的、灰的。镰刀似的小嘴,乌黑的眼睛像是嵌上去的。那爪子非常尖锐,能牢牢抓住笼子上的铁丝。我给它们取了个好听的名字,小的叫皮皮,大的叫花花。皮皮、花花睡觉的样子也很美。先是伸出一只翅膀,伸个懒腰,小嘴一动一动地打哈气,接着闭上一只眼睛,过一会儿觉得没有危急了,才把另一只眼睛闭上,并将头掉到后面插进羽毛里。皮皮、花花平常不大叫,只是在早晨听见别的鸟叫时,才会放开歌喉,那声音真是悦耳极了。有一次,我忘了喂食,可把它们饿坏了。晚上一见有吃的来了,便马上围过来抢着吃,抢食打斗发出的叫声也很好听。 This pair of parrots are so beautiful. Their feathers have several colors: green, yellow, white, blue and gray. 第 1 页 Sickle like mouth, black eyes like inlay. The claw is sharp enough to hold the wire on the cage. I gave them a nice name, the small one is pipi, the big one is Huahua. The appearance of skin and flower sleeping is also very beautiful. First, stretch out one wing, stretch one waist, make a small mouth move, then close one eye. After a while, I feel that there is no danger, then close the other eye, and drop my head back into the feather. Pipi and Huahua don't cry at ordinary times. They just let go of their voices when they hear other birds in the morning. That's a beautiful voice. Once, I forgot to feed, but I starved them. In the evening, as soon as I saw the food coming, I immediately came around and grabbed it. The sound of fighting for food was also very pleasant. 皮皮、花花虽说有吃有喝,但是它们没有自由。一次,我忘了关笼子的小门,不当心让皮皮给逃走了。当晚,花花不吃不喝,还一个劲儿地处处乱撞,撞得血迹斑斑。我请妈妈把花花放掉,妈妈说:“天已经黑了,又要下雨,明天早上放吧。”谁知天亮起来一看,花花已经死了。摸着它冰冷的身体,一股哀痛之情向我袭来,占据了我的整个心房。 Although they eat and drink, they are not free. Once, I forgot to close the small door of the cage and accidentally let Pipi escape. That night, Huahua didn't eat or drink, but also 第 2 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3b6682b2740bf78a6529647d27284b73f24236dd.html