Hello to All The Children of The World Hello 你好 bon jour 你好(法语) buenos dias 你好(西班牙语) G'day 你好(澳大利亚语) guten-tag 你好(德语) Konichiwa 你好(日语) Ciao 再见(意大利语) shalom 平安(希伯来语) do-brey dyen 你好(俄语) Hello to all the children of the world 用各种语言向全世界的孩子问好 We live in different places from all around the world 我们居住在世界各地 We speak in many different ways 我们说着不同的语言 Though some things may be different 虽然有些不同之处 We're children just the same- 但我们是一样的孩子 And we all like to sing and play 我们都喜欢唱歌和游戏 Hello bon jour buenos dias G'day guten-tag konichiwa Ciao shalom do-brey dien Hello to all the children of the world 用各种语言向全世界的孩子问好 There are children in the deserts 有的孩子生活在沙漠 And children in the towns 有的孩子生活在小镇上 And children who live down by the sea 还有些孩子生活在海边 If we could meet each other 若我们遇见彼此 To run and sing and play 一起跑啊唱啊跳啊 Then what good friends we all could be 我们会成为多么好的朋友 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/21c2df3664ce0508763231126edb6f1afe00716c.html