温馨提示 自我防护中英文

时间:2023-11-01 01:50:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
温馨提示 Notice


Tips from Fuda Cancer HospitalJinan University: During the Spring Festival, please take the following steps to protect yourself:


Keep hands clean.


Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing. ★将肉蛋彻底做熟

Fully cook meat and eggs. ★避免与呼吸道患者密切接触

Avoid close contact with patients with respiratory illness. ★避免近距离接触野生动物或活畜牧

Avoid close contact with wild animals or live livestock. ★不要随地吐痰

Don't spit everywhere. 祝您身体健康!新春愉快!

Wish you good health and Happy Chinese New Year!


Jan. 21, 2020
