
时间:2022-12-24 03:01:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



A years plan lies in spring, and a days plan lies in the morning. Spring is full of life and everything is revived. Spring is so beautiful. 天空湛蓝深远,云淡风轻,空气清新甜润,沁人心脾。在这美好的天空下,公园里的花朵开了,各种各样的生物越来越精神了。桃花展开了它那粉红的花瓣,散发出迷人的香味,它是多么地让人沉醉。在这一片粉色的花海旁边,金黄色的油菜花也欣然怒放,风一吹,一大片一大片的花海犹如大海里的波浪,此起彼伏。还有那如细丝般的垂柳随风飘舞,真是碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦啊!垂柳上是才展开带黄色的嫩绿柳丝。草地上青的草,绿的叶,红的黄的粉的紫的,各种鲜艳的花都像赶集似的聚拢来,形成了一个万紫千红的春天。

The sky is blue, the clouds are light, the air is fresh, sweet and refreshing. Under the beautiful sky, the flowers in the park are blooming, and all kinds of creatures are becoming more and more energetic. Peach blossom unfolds its pink petals and sends out charming fragrance. How intoxicating it is. Beside this pink sea of flowers, golden rape flowers are also in full bloom. When the wind

blows, a large sea of flowers is like waves in the sea, one after another. And the weeping willows, which are as thin as silk, flutter in the wind. Its really a tree high with Jasper makeup. Ten thousand green silk ribbons hang down! On the weeping willow is the yellow green willow silk. Green grass, green leaves, red, yellow, pink, purple and all kinds of bright flowers gathered like a fair, forming a colorful spring.


The little animals also came out to play. The bees were industriously picking the fragrant and sweet nectar on the flowers. The butterflies were dancing beautifully in the breeze. The squirrels were jumping back and forth among the branches. The swallows were flying in the breeze, shaking their bodies. In a blink of an eye, they flew gently under the tree. Spring is such a dynamic season! 你瞧!春天是那样的生机勃勃,是一个多么美好的季节啊…… You see! Spring is so lively, what a beautiful season it is
