
时间:2022-03-25 08:00:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


一年之中,我最喜欢春天,春天里,我喜欢三月。 In a year, I like spring best. In spring, I like March. 三月是空灵的,婉约的,秀美的。 March is ethereal, graceful and beautiful.


I like the sunshine in March. Its different from June. Whats hot in July is that its less rough, more graceful, less heroic and more tender. I like to play with my friends in the sunshine on a sunny March day, and let the warmth shine on us. That feeling is inexpressible, lost and panic, for fear that the remaining dew drops will fall one by one.


I like the grass in March. Its shallow, soft, dense and beautiful. 我喜欢三月的露珠,那晶莹的好像透明的水晶,那总依附在花花草草,枝枝叶叶上的水晶。很多次我都想把它拿起来,但刚


I like the dew in March, the crystal like transparent crystal, the crystal always attached to flowers, grass, branches and leaves. Many times I wanted to take it up, but it just slipped when I met him. As soon as he slipped, I


The disadvantage is that their color is too smart, but they are still too small, arent they? They are just born, they are so small, but one day they will grow up to a very high. What a wonderful day! The grass also dreams of growing up. At this time, I am also dreaming about the day when I grow up 我喜欢三月的…… I like March

我喜欢三月,可爱的三月,美丽的三月,春天的三月! I like March, lovely March, beautiful March, spring March!
