庆祝两会胜利闭幕诗歌七律 两会胜利闭幕欢 为祖国再立新功 人民代表心无愧 国家建设稳步前 全面建设路越宽 改革创新势如虹 民生福祉更可期 两会圆满闭幕中 (英文翻译) Celebrating the Victory of the Two Sessions New achievements for our great nation Representatives with no regrets in their hearts Steady progress in national construction A wider road to comprehensive development Reform and innovation surging forward Hope for better livelihoods and well-being A successful closure of the Two Sessions。 - 1 - 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/25fef15080c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b0717fd5b3e5.html