篇一:《眼睛与眼镜》演讲稿 大约两千年前,罗马帝国有个名叫温纷的暴君,他很凶残,特别喜欢拿奴隶们在角斗场里的互相残杀来开心。可是他眼神不好,坐在看台上看不清那些凶暴残忍的场面。他命令工匠为他磨一副可以看清楚远处的眼镜。有位灵巧的工匠用绿宝石为他磨出一片凹透镜片,虽然粗糙一些,把它贴近眼睛,看远处的东西却清楚多了。这片罗马皇帝专用的单片眼镜,要算是近视镜的祖先了。 后来,在我国和外国,都陆续出现了用天然水晶磨制成的近视眼镜和远视眼镜。英国学者何康,在13世纪中叶曾专门撰写了有关水晶眼镜的著作,说明过去很长时期是利用天然水晶磨制镜片的。 那么,是谁发明了玻璃眼镜?发明家没有把他们的名字留在人间。 目前,我们知道最早出售眼镜的地方是意大利的威尼斯,时间大概是在六七百年前。那时候,尽管玻璃价格不高,但由于十分稀缺,一副玻璃眼镜价值千金,只能供少数王公贵族、官僚富商们享用。 那时候的眼镜不是架在鼻梁上的。有的眼镜装在帽沿上,有的眼镜装在木框、骨架或铁环里,看东西的时候要用手举着;也有人把眼镜镶在一根皮带上,看东西的时候把皮带系在头上。 大约到了16世纪末,才出现了今天这样的可以架在鼻梁上的眼镜。 眼镜和眼睛究竟是一种什么关系呢? 过去,人们配眼镜就上眼镜店去挑,戴上哪一副看得清楚些,就挑选哪一副。工匠们凭他们的经验磨制镜片,没有什么严格的规定。 16世纪末,天文学家开普勒揭开了眼睛的秘密,他发现眼睑里的黑眼球是个凸起来的透明水晶体,能调节射进去的光线。水晶体的边缘肌肉有吸缩和弛张的能力,随着所观看物体的远近,水晶体能变得凸起一些或扁平一些,使物体的像正好落在眼球后面的视网膜上,这样,人才能看到清晰的物体。 可是,眼球的这种收缩和弛张有一定的限度。有的水晶体已经变得很凸出,就成了近视,要配戴凹透镜才能看清远处的东西。有的水晶体因为过于扁平就成了远视,需要配戴凸透镜才能看清近处的东西。 本世纪初,出现了科学的检查眼睛视力的方法,叫做“验光”。经过验光,查出合适的度数,就能配到最合适的眼镜。 篇二:大光明眼镜演讲稿 爱心传递真情 光明照亮人生 大光明眼镜演讲稿 亲爱的各位家人们: 大家晚上好! 很高兴我们再次相聚,又可以把自己的成功果实相互分享。大光明的命运就是我们各位家人的命运。大光明的发展要靠各位家人的努力与奋斗。我们应该时刻想到为大光明做些有益的事。而不是向大光明索取什么。热爱大光明不只是靠一句空话,而是要用实际行动来证明。作为大光明的一员,我们要有爱岗敬业、无私奉献的精神,为企业的兴旺奉献出我们的微薄之力。 春天是个播种的季节,而在大光明的每一天都是春天。我们每天都有播下爱的种子,让爱在顾客心里发芽,要让顾客只要有眼镜的需求就会想到大光明,还要让他们身边的亲朋好友也知道我们大光明。 记得上个月有一个白果的家长带着她18岁的儿子来到我们大光明,我很热情地接待了她。在和她聊天时才知道她是慕名而来的。她儿子在深圳一家武馆习武,这次回家探亲不小心把镜架弄坏了。她妈妈到处打听麻城哪家眼镜店最好,还问了很多配过眼镜的家长都一致说我们大光明服务好、质量好、验光准确性高。知道这些事后我对着位顾客的服务更加小心,生怕哪一点做的不好影响我们大光明的声誉,让这位远道而来的妈妈失望。在龚老师细心为顾客验完光后,我就精心地为顾客挑选镜架,由于这位顾客是习武的,动的比较多,我帮他挑选了一副稳定性较好的镜架,并说明原因,她妈妈很是赞同。我们的生意很快就成交了。 通过这件事后,我对我们的工作更有信心了。以后我们的服务工作要做得更好,得 到全市人民的认可。我为自己在这样的企业工作感到骄傲、感到自豪。在以后的工作中 我会更加努力、更加勤奋来回报我们的大光明、回报我们的王总谢谢。 演讲人:鲍晓芳 湖北麻城陵园路大光明眼镜旗舰店 2012年5月15日 篇三:contact lens隐形眼镜的伤害-演讲稿 contact lens first, i want to show you some pictures. does any one notice the difference between those two pictures? you are right, the eyes, eyes on the second picture look bigger than the first one. obviously, it’s the same girl on the pictures, and they are not changed by adobe photoshop, so how could that happen? right (ok, let me give you the answer.), because she wear a pair of special contact lens and they can definitely make us more beautiful. and now i am wandering that how many girls in this room are wearing contact lens at present? you can show me.„ (no one? ok, you are very luck, but if anyone here is wearing a pair now, i have to say that you are in danger.) (oh, there are really some girls are wearing that, but i have to say that you are in danger.) yes, contact lens can be dangerous. since last month one of my cousin found something wrong about her eyes, and the doctor told her that she can no longer wear them or her retinas(视网膜) will fall off from her eyes, i have searched a lot of information about the contact lens, especially the disadvantages and the right using-methods. so today, i want to share something with you about the harmful aspect of contact lens. also, i will give you some suggestions on how to avoid those harms if you have to wear a pair. ok, many people may wonder that: can contact lens really hurt our eyes? the answer is “yes”. look at this news. forces contact lens out, wu chun hurt his right eye july, 2007, wu chun took leave from filming for his idol drama, romantic princess as he had to go back to brunei to settle some matters regarding his gym. he arrived hk the day before to meet his dad before going back together. when he tried to remove his contact lenses, he cant as he wore his contact eyes for too long. he tried to apply force & try to remove the lenses but to his horror, the lens broke and the shattered bits remained in his right eye. he was in pain and tearing uncontrollably. he was rushed to the a & e and even after resting at the hospital for around an hour, his condition didnt improve. an eye specialist was called to inject him with anaesthetic(麻醉剂). so, how contact lens can be harmful to us? there are mainly tow reasons: long-time wearing and bacteria-infection. extended-wear (overnight) contact lenses - rigid or soft – may increase the risk of corneal ulcers(角膜溃疡), which are infection-caused eruptions on the cornea (角膜) that can lead to blindness. symptoms include vision changes, eye redness, eye we all know that, no matter how good the contact lens are, they may reduce the gas-permeable(透气性) of eyes and they are much easier than our natural eyeballs to catch epiphyte(真菌) and other contaminations. there are several reasons for contact lens infection including over use, poor hygiene(卫生), sensitivity and bad fitting lenses. certainly, it is not in all conditions that the contact lens will hurt us. if you really want to be more beautiful by wearing a pair of contact lens and you don’t want to bring any harm to your eyes, here are some tips provided by an ophthalmologists of hong kong university: first, you cant put your contacts anywhere you would like to. its important that you put them in the cited solution and store them correctly. always pay attention to the duration for which you can wear your contacts. there are some lenses that last just for a day, while there are others that may be worn for months at a stretch. not sticking to the mentioned duration could hurt your lenses and can even cause deadly eye infections. second, washing your hands before removing or applying lenses is another significant thing you need to do. when washing your hands confirm that you do no use any soap or cleaner with over the top moisturizers to avoid oiling your lenses. look after your lenses if youd like them to last longer and work better for you. fourth,the tending work and timely visit to hospital are quite important for wearing contact lens. prompt and regular countercheck helps to know the health status of eyes and reactions to wearing contact lens. thus it can help to wear more safely. for that the contact lens will touch the cornea closely, and may result in exfoliation of corneal epithelium, conjunctivitis and other diseases. ok, with all those tips, i think maybe you have made a decision about whether you want to wear a pair of contact lens. it all depends on you. look at this picture. i think the modern design of glasses have already been able to meet your beautiful needs. just have a try! thank you for your listening. 篇四:学生抒情演讲稿——近视的烦恼 学生抒情演讲稿——近视的烦恼 各位老师,各位同学,大家好! 我是个喜欢看书的孩子,没事时手里就捧着一本书不停的看,走路看,躺着看,站着看,光线不足照样看。久而久之,我那水汪汪的眼睛竟成了近视眼。我从三年级就开始视力模糊,本想配以副眼镜,可是妈妈极力反对。一直到了四年级,视力一天不如一天,才配了一副眼镜。 近视是一件很麻烦的事,它为我带来了不少苦恼,因为妈妈很反对我戴眼镜。每当我戴起眼镜时,妈妈总叫我少戴,说戴眼镜不好看。可是妈妈不了解近视的痛苦,尤其是我的近视已达到三百多度,如果不戴眼镜,远处的东西在我看来只是白茫茫的一片。 近视对我来说,真是件麻烦的事。因为近视,得时时刻刻吧眼镜带着身边,而我常常忘记,以致闹出笑话。记得有一次去看电影,我偏偏忘了带眼镜,无可奈何,只得将就,结果那场电影在模糊中过去了。还好是国产片,虽然看不清,倒听的懂。要是外国语的话,看了跟没看一样。 由于妈妈反对我戴眼镜,我只有看电影,读书,看电视时才戴。有时在大街上迎面来了一个人对我笑,我看不清是熟人,只管走自己的路。不知道我是近视的人,还以为我目中无人。唉!真是“哑巴吃黄连——有苦说不出”呀。 以上的这些苦恼,我想,只有眼镜近视的人,才能体会到。 同学们,好好地保护你们的心灵之窗吧!不要糟蹋了它,等到你近视时,后悔就来不及了。 我的演讲讲完了,谢谢大家! 子固小学五年级:夏奕宇 篇五:演讲稿 the 73rd annual academy awards catherine zeta-jones: good evening. centuries before man knew how to count the years, he knew how to draw pictures. cavemen illustrated their walls with their dreams. today’s dreams are projected on the walls of multiplexes, illustrated by the movies’ art directors, whom we now honor. for best achievement in art direction, the nominees are: tim yip, whose designs provided the perfect setting for blending fantasy and legend in crouching tiger, hidden dragon. michael corenblith for the art direction, and merideth boswell for the set decoration of that yule-tide tale of dr. seuss’ how the grinch stole christmas. arthur max for the art direction, and crispian sallis for the set decoration that depicted the glory of the roman empire in gladiator. martin childs for the art direction and jill quertier for the set decoration of the pained and turbulent life of the marquis de sade in quills. and from a different page in french history is the art direction of jean rabasse and the set decoration of francoise benoit fresco that captured the culinary perfection of vatel. and the oscar goes to tim yip for crouching tiger, hidden dragon. gay adj.欢迎的, <美俚>同性恋的, 放荡的, 快乐的 n.<美俚> 同性恋者, 尤指男性同性者 tolerant adj.容忍的, 宽恕的, 有耐药力的 hispanic adj.西班牙的 multiplex adj.多元的 blending n.混和, 混成, 混和物 fantasy n.幻想, 白日梦 crouch vi.蜷缩, 蹲伏 turbulent adj.狂暴的, 吵闹的 culinary adj.厨房的, 烹调用的, 厨房用的 perfection n.尽善尽美, 完美, 完成 第七十三届奥斯卡颁奖晚会 史蒂夫马丁(大会主席):非常感谢。非常感谢。大家知道,当他们在一月份问我是否愿意主持奥斯卡颁奖晚会时,我首先想到的就是:不知是否有足够的时间让我拉过面皮的脸复原。现在全球有八亿人在收看我们的节目,此时此刻,他们每人都在想着同样的一个问题,我们都是同性恋,可是演艺事业的伟大之处就在于:这是一项具有宽容力的事业。是世界上最有容人之量的行业。黑人、白人、亚洲人、西班牙人、犹太人、基督徒都在一起工作,全部心怀同样的热爱:出名。人们问我:“史蒂夫,你是名好莱坞演员,一定与世界很隔离。你的日常生活是怎样的?”日常是有的,是可行的。正如一日,我在家里与梅尔、朱丽娅、汤姆、格温妮丝一起进餐。早些时候梅尔曾打了电话来说想带一个朋友过来,你知道,是个乐于帮助儿童的人。我于是说:“梅尔,有名气的才带过来。”他很理解,觉得没问题。然后汤姆说: “唉,再也买不到高档的太阳镜了。”于是朱丽娅说:“贝佛利山庄有家很不错的眼镜店。”然后我对汤姆说:“下回你的司机开车送孩子上学时,何不让他顺道带你去买副太阳镜?”汤姆说:“啊,我亲自开车送孩子去上学。”我于是说:“什么?”接着汤姆对格温妮丝说喜欢看她的《莎翁情史》,格温妮丝对汤姆说她喜欢他的《荒岛余生》,然后朱丽娅对梅尔说喜欢他的《女人要什么》,梅尔对朱丽娅说他喜欢《永不妥协》,再下来天晚了,他们就都回家去了。我想:这就是我一直所梦想的啊:与三五知己在家里进餐并谈论艺术。下面我很高兴地向大家介绍第一位颁奖嘉宾——凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯。 凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯∶晚上好。早在人们知道计算年月的前几个世纪,人们就懂得了绘画。原始人在墙上画下他们的梦想。如今我们把梦想投射到剧院的墙上,由电影艺术指导表现出来,现在我们要对这些艺术指导进行嘉奖。获得最佳艺术指导提名奖的有:叶锦添——他的设计为《卧虎藏龙》提供揉合了梦幻与传说的完美布景。迈克尔·科伦布利斯担任艺术指导、担任圣诞故事《圣诞怪杰》布景设计的麦里德斯·波斯威尔。亚瑟·麦克斯担任艺术指导、克利斯班·萨利斯担任布景设计展现出罗马帝国辉煌的《角斗士》。马丁·丘德斯担任艺术指导、吉尔·奎提尔担任布景设计在《鹅毛笔》中描述了德塞得侯爵苦难而激情的一生。掀开法国历史的另一页,珍·拉巴斯担任艺术指导、弗兰西·贝诺·弗拉斯哥担任布景设计,在《欲望巴黎》里演绎出烹饪的完美境界。最后,获奖者是《卧虎藏龙》的叶锦添。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2649ad1b40323968011ca300a6c30c225901f0b8.html