too young to die翻译

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too young to die翻译


"Too young to die"翻译成中文是"太年轻而死",这是一种描述某人过早离世的情况。下面是一些关于"too young to die"的用法和中英文对照的例句:

1. Losing a loved one at a young age is incredibly difficult. It's heartbreaking to witness someone who was too young to die. (在年轻时失去心爱的人非常困难。看到那些太年轻而离世的人,令人心碎。)

2. It's a tragedy when talented artists are taken from us too soon. Amy Winehouse was truly too young to die. (当才华横溢艺术家离世得太早时,这是一场悲剧。艾米·怀恩豪斯真的太年轻而逝去了。)

3. The documentary highlights the impact of violence on communities, focusing on the lives of young people who were too young to die. (这部纪录片突出了暴力对社区的影响,重点关注那些太年轻而离世的年轻人的生活。)

4. The organization aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental health, hoping to prevent more young

individuals from being too young to die. (该组织旨在提高人们对心理健康重要性的认识,希望阻止更多年轻人太年轻而离世。)

5. The song "Too Young to Die" by Jamiroquai explores the theme of mortality and the fleeting nature of life. (Jamiroquai的歌曲《Too Young to Die》探索了死亡主题和生命的短暂性。)
