
时间:2022-08-11 15:19:47 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Continuing to Help Those in


1. 不时有做好人好事反而让自己惹上麻烦的报道

2. 有人认为这样会带来负面影响,变得冷漠,不敢再帮助别人…… 3. 在我看来……

There has been an increasing number of reports about those who offer to help others end up putting themselves into trouble. For instance, a bus driver in Nantong was wrongfully charged by the elder woman he tried to rescue from a roadside accident. Had it not been the footage of the bus camera, the bus driver would have been found guilty.

Reports of this kind tend to

prevent people from offering their helping hands to those in need, because they want to stay away from the unnecessary conflicts. Bit by bit, it is worried that people in the society will become distant and indifferent to one another.

As far as I am concerned, we should continue to help those in need, but in the meantime, we should know how to protect ourselves. Protective measures, such as filming what is happening, are effective to ensure that our well-meant intentions would not get punished.

Post-90s Generations Network Life 1. 90后是伴随网络成长的一代 2. 在网上的自我表达形式多种多样 3. 我的看法

The term post-90s generation refers to us who were born in the 1990s. That is just the period of time when the Internet was enjoying a boom. Indeed, we are the generation that has grown up with the Internet.

We have various ways to express ourselves on the Internet. We like hanging out on forums, social networks or microblogs. It is quite common for us to have more virtual friends than friends in real life. We prefer using the Martian language, which is quite different from the normal characters.

As far as I am concerned, we are a
