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Unit 8 Health Habits (健康习惯)1


right 正确的 enough 足够的 exercise 运动,练习

Words habit 习惯 rule 规则 三会词(disease 疾病):

headache 头疼 stomachache 胃疼,肚子疼 catch a cold 感冒 follow the rule 遵守规则 Good Habits

eat right 吃得正确 get enough sleep 睡得充足 do exercise 锻炼身体 drink juice 喝果汁 wash hands before you eat 饭前洗手


brush teeth after you eat 饭后刷牙 Bad Habits

eat too much candy 吃过多的糖 stay up late 熬夜到很晚

watch TV all the time 总是看电视 Song

(我的生活方式 P62-1)

1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)

Homework Student Book: P72P73-3

2 抄写短语,每天两遍,不写汉语意思;

3 WBP61

Unit 8 Health Habits 2


finish 完成 stay 停留 upstairs/downstairs 往楼上()

nightgown 睡衣 knock 敲打 shout 呼喊 scare

past 过,超过 job 工作 tell 告诉 三会词:

lock important 重要的 sincerely 真诚地

meadow 草地,牧场 corn 玉米地 haystack 大干草堆


finish your homework 完成你的作业 run through 跑着穿过


stay at home/stay in the house 待在家里 knock at take care of 照顾 fast asleep 熟睡的 1.How do you feel when you (don’t get enough sleep)?

Sentences I feel (very tired).

2.I feel good when (I drink fruit juice). Chant


1 听写训练:P75-7


2 完成SBWB中的部分习题.

1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)


Student Book: P72P73P75-7P76

2 抄写四会词和短语,每天两遍,不写汉语意思。

Unit 8 Health Habits 3


hour 小时 minute 分钟 second 秒钟 snack 零食

Words junk food 垃圾食品 三会词:

stretch 伸展 toe-touch waist-twist jumping jack push-up sit-up 1.What did you eat/drink for lunch yesterday? I ate a cheese sandwich. I drank a glass of juice.

2.Did you eat any vegetables yesterday? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.

Sentences 3.What time do you usually go to bed?

I usually go to bed at 10:00. 4.How many hours do you sleep? I sleep for 8 hours every night. 5.How long do you usually exercise?

I usually exercise for two hours every day. 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)


Student Book: P72-76

2 抄写四会词和句子,每天两遍,不写汉语意思。

Unit 8 Health Habits4


Vietnam 越南 Chicago 芝加哥 chocolate 巧克力 bedtime 就寝时间 midnight 午夜

Phrases be from 来自于 a lot of 许多

Story (一个健康的女孩) 1 Where is Mai-Lan from? 2 Where is Mai-lan live now? 3 What does she eat every day?

4 What does she like to eat? And what are her favorite fruits?

5 Does she like ice cream?

6 What exercise does Mai-Lan like to do’?


7 Is Mai-Lan healthy? Why?

8 Did Mai-Lan eat healthy foods yesterday? What did she eat and drink?

9 What time is Mai-Lan’s bedtime?

10 What time did Mai-Lan go to bed yesterday? 11 What day was yesterday?

12 What did Mai-Lan want to do yesterday? Did her do? 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) Student Book: P77-78


2 回答Questions中的问题(不抄题,但要标好序号);

3 写一篇小作文,写出你一天的生活:几点起床,吃什么,做什么运动,几点睡觉……

Unit 8 Health Habits5


right enough exercise habit rule finish stay

upstairs/downstairs nightgown knock shoutscare past

Words job tell hour minute second snack junk food


疾病:headache stomachache catch a cold

其他:lock important sincerely meadow corn haystack stretch toe-touch waist-twist jumping jack push-up sit-up follow the rule 遵守规则

Good Habits eat right / get enough sleep / do

exercise/ drink juice / wash hands before you eat /brush teeth after you eat


Bad Habits eat too much candy / stay up late / watch TV all the time finish your homework run through knock at stay at home/stay in the house take care of fast asleep Song (我的生活方式 P62-1)

1.What did you eat/drink for lunch yesterday?

I ate a cheese sandwich. / I drank a glass of juice. 2.Did you eat any vegetables yesterday? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.

3.What time do you usually go to bed? I usually go to bed at 10:00.


4.How many hours do you sleep? es

I sleep for 8 hours every night.

5.How long do you usually exercise?

I usually exercise for two hours every day.

6.How do you feel when you (don’t get enough sleep)? I feel (very tired).

7.I feel good when (I drink fruit juice).. 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) Student


Book: Unit 8 ork

2. 活动手册第八单元做完。

