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奔跑英语说法1 run

奔跑英语说法2 rush

奔跑的英语例句: 我会游泳也会奔跑。

Boy: I can swim and I can run. 他拚命奔跑去追赶公共汽车。 He ran like fury to catch the bus. 孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑。

The children were scampering around the garden. 在冰上奔跑是不被允许的

Running on the ice is inadvisable.

他放松了他的人质而他最初的追踪者奔跑着往教堂外跑去。 He released his hold and his original pursuer bolted out of the parish close.


Try shortening your stride when you run. 这匹马受了惊吓沿街奔跑。

The horse was frightened and ran along in the street. 运动员在足球场上来回奔跑。

The players are beating up and down in the footballground. 他们都向同一方向奔跑。 They all ran in one direction. 孩子们在草地里自由地奔跑。

The children ran free across the meadow.

突然间,大家急匆匆地往车门奔跑。 Then all of us suddenly bolt for a door. 他拍了拍他的马,然后所有的马又都奔跑起来。 He slapped his horse and they all speeded up again. 在笼中转轮上奔跑的老鼠

A mouse running in a wheel in its cage 你们正在向着疯狂的血盆大口奔跑!

You rush headlong into the maw of madness! 我长长地松了一口气,停止了奔跑。 With immense relief I stopped running. 猎豹的奔跑速度每小时可达97公里。

The cheetah can attain speeds of up to97 kph.


Suddenly the silence was broken.the black horse screamed loudly, a cry of fear.it began running down the wet valley.


An emotional Leighton Meester makes a run for it Monday on the New York City set of Gossip Girl.


In short, says, Edward Bell, an executive at Ogilvy& Mather in Shanghai who has studied the twentysomething Chinese in depth,“ this is a generation that has to sprint just to stay even.
