
时间:2022-03-21 06:44:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


长元音 短元音 双元音

/ɑ:/ /ʌ/ /eɪ/ /əʊ/


清辅音 浊辅音 清辅音 浊辅音 边音 鼻音 半元音

/p/ /b/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /ǀ/ /m/ / j/

/t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /n/ / w/

/k/ /g/ /tʃ/ /dʒ/ /ŋ/

/f/ /v/ /tr/ /dr/

/θ/ /ð/ /h/ /r/

/s/ /z/

/ɔ:/ /ɒ/ /aɪ/ /aʊ/

/ɜ:/ /ə/ /ɔɪ/

/i:/ /ɪ/ /ɪə/

/U:/ /ʊ/ /eə/

/e/ /ʊə/


1. / ɑ: / are car class banana

2. / ʌ / but bus number lunch supper 3. / ɔ: / horse tall ball floor draw 4. / ɒ / box dog mop hot clock 5. / ɜ: / her bird dirty shirt

6. / ə / ruler number supper doctor

7. / i:/ he she be these Chinese three team 8. / ɪ / in is sit Jim English

9. / u: / you too school move ruler who 10. / ʊ / book look cook put

11. / e / egg yes pen seven spell 12. / æ / and can cat bag dad

13. / eɪ / cake Kate late great play eight 14. / aɪ / fine nice bike sky 15. / ɔɪ / boy toy oil noise

16. / ɪə / here near dear cheer 17. / eə / pear chair where their 18. / ʊə / sure tour poor

19. / əʊ / no go zero those nose coat know 20. / aʊ / how now mouse down 21. / p / play park people sheep 22. / b / bike banana bag web 23. / t / tea too teacher cat

24. / d / dog doctor friend desk 25. / k / car cake Kate desk 26. / g / green glad good dog 27. / f / friend fax fifty floor 28. / v / very river seven have 29. / θ / three think birthday sixth

30. / ð / the this these those brother 31. / s / sit see nice class

32. / z / zero these hers trousers 33. / ʃ / she ship shirt shoe English 34. / ʒ / usually treasure pleasure 35. / ts / students cats hats parents 36./ dz / beds birds friends AIDS 37. / tʃ / chair check China watch 38. / dʒ / jeep orange age page 39. / tr / tree trousers treasure travel 40. / dr / draw drive children hundred 41. / h / he who hot help house 42. / r / red right read room

43. / ǀ / look like light bottle Google 44. / m / map mum name number 45. / n / nice nine knock fine

46. / ŋ / doing shopping think English 47. / j / yellow yes you young 48. / w / what white where war
