
时间:2023-04-22 03:09:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


If someone sows,he will harvest a flower,not make spring a snow year,a good year a healthy mind in a sound body,a quiet tongue to make a smart head,a timely needle to save nine straight feet,not afraid of a curved shoe,a smart head to close his mouth is the memory of the past year's plan from spring,a young lazy man,an old beggar Bad news has wings,barking dogs seldom bite people.Beautiful lies are heard quickly in the eyes of love.It is better to ask for directions than to misunderstand friends.

Blood is thicker than blood.There should be less blood books and friends.But good business is business.

Business is salt of life.We can enrich our thoughts by reading.We can polish it by talking Wood's care and dice bring good luck,prudence is the safety of parents,cheaters will never succeed what kind of mother is the child.
