
时间:2022-07-08 14:29:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

storybook例句:这是筹划一本图文并茂的字谜故事书的理想的媒介他说。It#39;s an ideal medium to stage an illustrated storybook of puzzles, he says. 例句:

1. 他应该读读这本故事书。 He should read the story book.

2. 她与同为教师的妈妈正在筹划一本儿童图画故事书,预计将于2008年春天出版。

She and her mother, also a schoolteacher, are collaborating on a children#39;s picture storybook to be published in spring 2008. 3. 但是我确实很愿意看到他举起大联盟冠军奖杯作为告别,因为这就好像一本故事书以它能够达到的最高潮作为结尾。

But I would really like to see it end with him raising the MLS Cup because it would just be a storybook ending of the rollercoaster ride that is has been.

4. 我在读一本有趣的故事书。 I am reading an interesting story.


5. 你的生命就象一本故事书,因为你存在于时间里,而时间是一个创造物,它已经发生了。

Your life is just like a story book, because you exist in time, and time is a creation, it#39;s all already happened.

6. 这是筹划一本图文并茂的字谜故事书的理想的媒介他说。 It#39;s an ideal medium to stage an illustrated storybook of puzzles, he says.

