申请书用英语怎么说 申请书是个人或集体向组织、机关、企事业单位或社会团体表述愿望、提出请求时使用的一种文书。不同的对象有不同的申请书,常见的有入团申请书,入党申请书等。那么你知道申请书用英语怎么说吗?接下来跟着店铺来学习一下吧。 申请书的英语说法1: application 申请书的英语说法2: Application Form 申请书的相关短语: 银行担保申请书 application for banker's guarantee 信用证申请书 credit application 购买印花申请书 Requisition for Revenue Stamps 申请书的日期 Date of Application 入学申请书 Letter of application to school ; Application for admission 股东申请书 Application for Share 申请书的英语例句: 1. The membership application came before the Council of Ministers in September. 会员申请书于9月提交部长会议审议。 2. The army sent me a postcard acknowledging my request. 军队寄给我一张明信片告知我的申请书已收到。 3. Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th. 申请书连同完整个人简历和两份推荐信必须在6月12日以前送达校长处。 4. Send a full CV with your job application. 随求职申请书寄上详尽的个人履历。 5. Next week is the deadline for sending in your application. 呈递申请书的截止日期是下星期. 6. Do you have an application on file with us? 你向我们提出的申请书有案可查 吗 ? 7. A lot of applications have been filed with the department. 这个部门接到许多求职申请书. 8. I sent in my application, and the university replied immediately. 我把申请书交上去了, 大学方面立即给了答复. 9. Applications should be forwarded through the secretary. 申请书应通过秘书转交. 10. He has filed his application. 他已经呈交了申请书. 11. They somehow contrived to lose tens of thousands of applications. 他们精心策划故意遗失了数万份申请书。 12. The applications are piling up now for that school. 要求进这个学校的申请书现在已经堆积如山了. 13. We should give them notice to hand in the applications before Friday. 我们应该通知他们在星期五之前交上申请书. 14. It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed. 审查你的申请书也许要等几个星期. 15. Job applications from disable workers poured in at a staggering rate. 残废工人求职申请书大批涌来、数量惊人. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6d8d0b0a5427a5e9856a561252d380eb629423a7.html