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读书英语说法1 read

读书英语说法2 study

读书的英语例句: 你就能安心地读书了。

You'll be able to read in peace. 我很喜欢她读书给我们听。 I like it when she reads to us. 那使我喜欢上了读书。

That gave me a taste for reading. 他钻进被窝开始读书。

He got into bed and started to read. 你应该努力读书。 You should study hard.


My friends were all boys who cared nothing about studying. 我很想到国外去读书。

I have a good mind to study abroad. 你弟弟今晚不读书。

Your brother is not going to study this evening. 我最喜爱的消遣是读书。 My favorite pastime is reading.


More reading may be allaying your doubt. 我喜欢读书,他喜欢读书看报纸。

I like to read books and he reads newspapers and books. 在日光下读书比在灯光下读书舒适。

It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight. 读书俱乐部和读书活动随处可见。

Book clubs and bookish events are now common. 读书,欣赏加利福尼亚户外的美景。

Read and enjoy the great California outdoors. 他全神贯注地读书〔工作〕。

He was absorbed in his study work . 读书过多损害眼睛的看法

The idea that reading too many books ruins your eyes 她每天就是读读书,看看电视。

She spends her days reading and watching television. 她曾在一所由多种族学生组成的学校读书。 She had attended a racially mixed school. 帮助贫困儿童读书识字

Helping underprivileged children to learn to read


Our mothers sat us down to read and paint, when all we really wanted to do was to make a mess.
