如何有效率学习|阅读翻译 Whether or not you’re a student who just headed back to school, everyone should strive to learn new things throughout their lives. Unfortunately, some people find that harder than others. That’s because some people are simply more effective learners than others. 不管你是不是刚返校开始新学期的学生,每个人在一生中都应该积极地去学习新知识新东西。不幸的是,有一些人学起来会比其他人更艰苦,这是因为有些人的学习效率要更高。 Luckily, you can become a more effective learner as long as you focus on improving these four traits that make learning easier: 幸运的是,只要你专注提高下面这四个特质,你的学习过程会变得容易得多,你也会成为更有效率的学习者: 1. Be curious. 要好奇。 Without curiosity, you’ll have no motivation to learn. 没有好奇心,你就不会有学习的动力。 2. Become process-oriented. 要以过程为导向。 Don’t just focus on the end result, but on how you get there. 不要光专注结果,也要多注意你在达到最终结果的过程中付出的努力。 3. Apply what you learn. 把你学到的内容付诸实践。 Learning for the sake of learning is great, but it’s also easier to stay interested in education if you actually apply the things you learn. 为了学习而学习是很不错,但如果能把你学到的东西真正应用起来,你的兴趣也会更加容易地保持兴趣。 4. Retain what you learn. 记住你学到的东西。 Letting things come in one ear and out the other is a surefire way to waste your time learning. 左耳进右耳出,这样敷衍的方式只是在浪费你的学习时间。 From: http:///englisharticle/yingyuyuedu/2013-10-03/ 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2d379067773231126edb6f1aff00bed5b8f37339.html