甜菊糖甙的应用 甜菊糖甙作为一种新型天然甜味剂可广泛应用于各类食品、饮料、医药及日化工业品中。广义上讲,凡是用糖产品均可用甜菊糖甙替代部分或全部蔗糖/糖精/阿斯巴甜/安赛蜜。不同种类的产品,甜菊糖甙的添加量有所不同,需要经过反复研究试验,选取最佳配比,以保证产品的口感和风味。 甜菊糖在各类产品中的参考用量 产品分类 替 代 适用量 蔗 糖 量 (甜菊糖甙/原料) 使用效果 碳酸饮料 20-100% 果汁饮料 30-50% 含乳饮料 20-50% 固体饮料 20-100% 冷饮 冰淇淋 冰 品 口香糖 60-100% 50-100% 0.06-0.75克/公斤 口感均衡上口、清晰透亮、低热量、不龋齿 0.078-0.278克/公斤 0.006-0.70克/公斤 1.7-20.0克/公斤 0.4-1克/公斤 0.4-1克/公斤 根据需要 根据需要 0.2-1克/公斤 2-12克/公斤 根据需要 0.1-0.6克/公斤 1-3克/公斤 根据需要 增强风味、不产生絮状物、不沉淀、色泽清亮、延长保质期、低热量 饮料 有良好口感的甜度、低热量 口感清凉、计量方便、不龋齿 低热量、增强风味、 口感清新、低温甜度增加 不龋齿、口感清凉、甜味持久 口感好、增加风味 不龋齿、口感好、增加风味 产品松软有湿润感、不龋齿、口感好、延长货架期 延长贮存期、改善风味、大大降低成本 味道清凉纯正、减少高糖带来的甜腻感、延长保质期 胖袋率为零、无褐变不造成着色、发酵现象、可缩短腌制时间、提高甜度、能保持原状不发生收缩、提高风味 不引起着色、增加甜度、易操作、提高风味 防止褐变、发霉,不会出现因糖而产生的烤焦和松散现象 糖果 普通糖果 50-100% 无糖糖果 面包、糕点 100% 80-100% 果酱、果脯、蜜饯 80-100% 罐头 20-50% 调味品、腌制品 20-30% 炒货 水产品 白酒 葡萄酒 酒类 香槟酒 果露酒 啤酒 口腔 清洁 牙膏 漱口品 10-40% 10-100% 50-100% 30-50% 10-100% 0.01-0.05克/公斤 增醇、提高风味、清除辛辣味 提高透明度、提高风味、 降低粘度、口感清爽 提高风味、增泡、使泡沫丰富洁白持久 非龋齿、口感清凉、 有效掩盖其它成份的不良味道 能保持合理的湿润,增香增甜 改善药品口感 天然、低热量、高甜度甜味剂,使用方便 0.01-0.15克/公斤 根据需要 1-5克/公斤或依需要 根据需要 根据需要 根据需要 烟草 药品 餐桌甜味剂 Suggested Application of Steviol Glycosides As a natural sweetening agent, steviol glycosides can be widely applied in food, drinks, medicine and daily chemicals. Broadly speaking, steviol glycosides can be used to replace partially or completly cane sugar or saccharine or aspartame in all products using sugar. The amount of steviol glycosides substitute for sugar varies with products, which can be determined through repeated trial in order to guarantee the ratio, taste and flavor of products. Ratio of Products Carbonated drinks Fruit juices Beverage Milk drinks Solid drinks Ice-cream Ice-dessert Chewing gum 20-50% 20-100% 0.006-0.70g/kg 1.7-20.0g/kg sugar Substitution 20-100% Dosage (Steviol glycosides /Materials) Lower calorie; Prevent cavities;Make clear and cool taste Enhance flavor; Form no sediment 30-50% 0.078-0.278g/kg or floc; Make clear color; Extend shelf life; Lower calorie. Produce good taste sweetness;Lower calorie Make cool taste; Prevent cavities; Easy to calculate Lower 60-100% 0.4-1g/kg calorie; Enhance flavor;Make fresh taste; Improve sweetness in low temperature 50-100% 0.4-1g/kg Prevent cavities; Make cool and long-lasting sweet taste Prevent cavities; Make good taste; Enhance flavor Make loose and moist feeling; Bread & cake 80-100% 0.2-1g/kg Make good taste; Prevent cavities;Extend shelf life Jams & Marmalades 80-100% 2-12g/kg Extend shelf life; Enhance flavor; Lower cost Produce clear, cool and pure Canned food 20-50% As per requirement taste; Reduce sweet tiredness; Extend shelf life Make fattening-bag rate zero;Make no brown stain, no coloration or no fermentation; Flavoring & pickles 20-30% 0.1-0.6g/kg Shorten pickling time; Improve sweetness period Fried food 50-100% 1-3g/kg Make no coloration; Enhance flavorImprove sweetness; Easy to and keep no shrinkage; Extend flavor-lasting Benefits 0.06-0.75g/kg Iced drinks Confectionary Common Candy 50-100% & candy No sugar candy 100% As per requirement As per requirement handle; Aquatic products Liquor Wine Alcoholic drink Champagne Fruit wine Beer Tooth paste Mouthwash Chewing gum As per requirement As per requirement As per requirement 30-50% 10-100% As per requirement 0.01-0.05g/kg Make no brown stain, scorch or loose phenomenon owing to sugar Enhance flavor; Clear out spicy taste; Increase mellow quality Increase transparency; Enhance flavor; Reduce viscosity; Make a fresh taste Enhance flavor; Enrich and whiten foam Prevent cavities; Make a cool taste;Reduce the reproduction of dental bacteria; Cover up the bad flavor of other composition Keep proper moisture;Enhance sweetness and aroma Improve taste All natural, low calorie and high-intensity sweetening agent; Easy to use 10-100% 0.01-0.15g/kg 10-40% As per requirement Dental hygiene 1-5g/kg or as per requirement Tobacco Pharmaceuticals Table Top sweetener 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2d4954cc00f69e3143323968011ca300a7c3f65d.html