Many successful persons seem alike to have a very strong will called desire. It is an uncommon common sense to make success happen. No other human characteristic is more outstanding than the will to plan carefully and to work patiently. 许多成功人士同样具有强烈的意志,也就是成功的欲望。所以成功之事,说来平常,其实并不平凡。 Success favors the prepared mind. Preparing one's career with details is like seriously mapping life's routes toward achievements. Only by so doing with a consistent mind can one prevent desire from becoming blind ambition for accidently striking it rich or dowright being lucky in life. As a matter of fact, a successful person is capable of setting goals and paving the way against all odds. No doubt that important to success are also such human qualities as honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor, among other virtues. However, these characteristics must be considered as advantages which do not alone guarantee success in life. 成功总是优待心里有做准备的人。能够细心策划工作的人,都知道谨慎制图,把一生的道路指向各样成就。也只有用此恒心行事,欲望才不致变成盲目的野心,以为财富如天降,或莫名其妙的天生好运。就事论事,成功者懂得立定目标,又能排除万难铺路。没错,人要成功,其他有些特质也挺重要,比方说诚实,聪明,幽默感等等。这些特质全属优点,但光凭优点,还不算是一生成功的保证。 Working with patience is an expression of desire. Nothing worthwhile comes easily; good work takes pains. A successful person can make the best of education and talents, if any. But an educated person would remain only an educated person unless possessing passion to do more. Likewise, it would be a waste of talents if gifts from heaven are abandoned in idleness. Accordingly, it is work, continuous work that can accomplish results that last. 耐心的工作可算是表达成功的欲望。有价值的成就都来之不易,必是费心费力。不论有无教育与天赋,成功者皆能善用才能。要知道,即使有教育,但却无热心加力,到头来也只算是有教育而已。同样的道理,如果有天赋才能,也可能浪费天赋于懒散里。所以,也只有工作,不停的工作,才有望完成厉久大业。 Indeed, it is easier said than done to be able to plan and to work in such a way that the way to success can be ensured. A motto may apply: "Where there is a will; there is a way." When people do not succeed, it might be either that the desire is not strong enough, or that it might be the absence of desire in the first place. 的确,说来容易做来难。要能策划又能行事,达到能必定踏上成功之路,谈何容易。借用一格言——有志者事竟成。如此观之,人若不成功,也许是应为欲望不够坚强,或者也许一开始就没有欲望。 本文来源: