#190:提高驾驶年龄是不是提高道路安全 Some people think the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 学生的观点点评 学生的观点 A增设安全提示标志B驾驶员驾车更加小心 C道路安全 提高法定驾驶年龄 b 年纪太观点不合理。提供年龄不是说提大反应能力慢 c 并不能改善交到60岁。 通安全 提高酒驾最低年龄,年轻人冲动、经验少 C容易发生交通事故 没有逻辑。 提高驾龄,也就是说明获得驾照的人不是那么年轻,为什么还冲动? 点评 太过具体。不要用例子作为观点。 A驾驶技术因个性而异B年龄大不够有力。法律制定不是针对个车开的不一定好C无法提高道人,而是减少风险。不能说有人路安全 不冲红灯,我们就不应该设红灯。 开头段替换词 The best way to improve road safety: the most effective way to reduce road accidents, the best solution to road fatalities Increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles: raise the driving age, stop issuing licenses to young drivers 开头段范例 Car use has become common and many people die of car accidents every year. Raising the driving age is a possible solution, but there are many other approaches which can be taken to make roads safer. Raising the driving age has been recommended as a method to make roads safer to use for motorists and other road users. I agree that this can be a possible solution, but it is by no means the best approach. 结尾段范例 In conclusion, while raising the driving age can be a solution to higher traffic death toll, tough laws and raising drivers’ awareness of safety are equally important. 点击开始作答观点 主体段一 A 提高驾龄 B 减少年轻司机的事故 C 提高道路的安全 解释(why B happens):年轻人容易冲动 解释(how B happens):醉驾,赛车,冲红灯 对比:摄像头,或者罚款都对年轻人没用 拓展思路:词伙:范文: 主体段二 A 提高驾龄,不增加教育和宣传 B 驾车人安全意识没有提高 C 道路不安全 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2ebfb5a76729647d27284b73f242336c1eb930b0.html