
时间:2022-08-14 12:43:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




Time is like surging rapids. Once gone, there is no return, no nostalgia. In the blink of an eye, 2020 will leave, and 2021 will come soon. I cant have the time machine to slow you down, but I can keep you with wonderful words, and those past events that are in a hurry will stay in my heart and become the best memories 盘点2020,憧憬2021。在国庆节时,我和爸爸妈妈一起登上了海拔1545米的五岳之首------泰山,到达山顶后我气喘吁吁,但我还是为自己高兴,因为我终于体验到了会当凌绝顶,一览众山小之感。

Take stock of 2020 and look forward to 2021. On the national day, my parents and I climbed Mount Tai, the top of the five mountains with an altitude of 1545 meters. I was breathless after reaching the top of the mountain, but I was still happy for myself, because I finally experienced the feeling of “meeting to be the top of

the mountain and watching the small mountains”.


Entering the school again, I made a rapid progress in my performance, becoming a good student in the teachers mouth, an example for my classmates to learn, and a pride in my parents heart. Every time the score is announced in the exam, I am so excited that I hope I can get one hundred points back. Once, the school ran for “good youth”. Through the recommendation of teachers and the voting of students, I became a district level “respect for teachers and good youth”, which made me very proud.


In this year, I got a lot and learned a lot. In fact, no matter reading thousands of books or traveling thousands of miles, all come from accumulation. To achieve the goal, the most important thing is to practice, digest and precipitate. There is no good today without setbacks.


I hope that in 2021, I can continue to forge ahead, forge ahead and become a better myself. 再见,2020!你好,2021 Goodbye, 2020! Hello, 2021!
