“详加校阅”终如何?--谈《红楼梦》程乙本对程甲本的修改 张德维 【期刊名称】《文学与文化》 【年(卷),期】2014(0)3 【摘 要】Based on the comparison between the Chen-Yi Version and Chen-Jia Version, 1707 mistakes have been found in Chen-Jia Version. Chen-Yi Version corrected the mistakes of the word spelling, the perversion of sentences, the disorder of antithesis, the contradiction of the plot, but there are still more than 300 incorrected mistakes. Also the rearrangement of the newly version has about 700 new mistakes. On the whole, more mistakes can be found in the first 20 chapters and the last 20 chapters in Chen-Jia Version, and the chapters in between are of better quality. On the contrary, Chen-Yi Version has more mistakes between Chapter 20 to Chapter 30. So we can see that Chen-Yi Version has upgraded the quality in wording, , still there are many mistakes in it.%通过对程甲本和程乙本逐字对校,发现程甲本存在纰缪1707例,程乙本对程甲本的大部分字误、衍夺、颠倒、对仗不工、情理矛盾处进行了订正,但也有300余例没有改正,并且在重排中出现了近700例新纰缪。从整体上看,程甲本是首尾各二十回纰缪较多,中间质量较高,程乙本则反之,中间二三十回纰缪最多。可以看出,程乙本经过对程甲本的“校阅”,文字质量有了较大提高,但它还是存在着为数不少的纰缪。 【总页数】16页(P14-29) 【作 者】张德维 【作者单位】河北省廊坊市安次区教师进修学校 【正文语种】中 文 【相关文献】 1.《红楼梦》程甲本与程乙本之比较 [J], 马贞贞 2.北师大藏程乙本及乾隆壬子初刊图版考溯——兼谈绍兴蘭藏本、津图本等程乙本的印行次序 [J], 曹立波 3.清代刻书业与《红楼梦》大普及——为纪念程甲本《红楼梦》问世220周年而作 [J], 胡文彬 4.程甲本:“全璧”之功永不可磨——为程甲本《红楼梦》刊行二百周年而作① [J], 胡文彬 5.《红楼梦》回目程乙本优于程甲本和脂评本 [J], 郑铁生 因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2ffd6417bd23482fb4daa58da0116c175f0e1e22.html