1.(卷烟) cigarette; [俚语] coffin nail 短语和例子 过滤嘴香烟 filtertipped cigarette; 香烟头 cigarette butt [end]; 抽香烟 smoke a cigarette; 卷一支香烟 roll a cigarette; 嘴上刁着一支香烟 hold a cigarette between one's lips; 它们是精制香烟。 they are quality cigarette. 2.(烧香的烟) incense smoke 香烟;低级香烟 fag 抽香烟 smoke a cigarette 点香烟 to light a cigarette 芳香烟 fragrant tobacco 牌香烟 virginia slims 松香烟 rosin smoke 吸香烟 cigarette smoke 香烟, 纸烟 cigarette 香烟,纸烟 cigarette 香烟包 cigarette pack 香烟店 cigarette shop 香烟盒 cigar-boxes; cigarette box 香烟裤 cigarette pants 香烟税 cigarette stamps; cigarette tax; cigarettetax 香烟颂 odetocigarettes 香烟糖 candy stick 香烟头 cigarette butt; filter tip little buddy 香烟纸 cigarette paper; combustible paper 香烟嘴 a cigaretteholderr; cigarette tips 叶香烟 joint 纸烟,香烟 cigarette smoking tobacco 200支香烟 200 cigarettes cancer stick (喻香烟) 癌棒 lung-fogger 〔美俚〕香烟。 lung-duster 香芽子 kogako 香烟,大麻烟 stick of gage 例句 He has gone through three packs of cigarettes . 他已经吸光三包香烟。 Drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray . 请把香烟灰弹在烟灰缸里。 A whiff of cigarette smoke struck his nostrils . 一缕香烟钻进他的鼻孔。 I am sorry , this shop does not carry cigarettes . 对不起,本店不卖香烟。 Put out a candle , cigarette , pipe . 把蜡烛、香烟、烟斗熄灭。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3078d021f4335a8102d276a20029bd64783e62ce.html