烟雾的英语单词 烟雾原意是空气中的烟煤与自然雾相结合的混合体。目前此词含义已超出原意范围,用来泛指由于工业排放的固体粉尘为凝结核所生成的雾状物(如伦敦烟雾),或由碳氢化合物和氮氧化物经光化学反应生成的二次污染物(如洛杉矶光化学烟雾)是多种污染物的混合体形成的烟雾。 那么你知道烟雾的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 烟雾英语单词1: smog 烟雾英语单词2: smoke 烟雾的英语例句: 那个女孩吸入烟雾,窒息而死。 The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke. 过去伦敦的交通常因烟雾而受阻。 Smog used to bring London traffic to a standstill. 餐厅里吸烟的烟雾就没有地方躲得过去吗? Is there no escape from the ubiquitous cigarette smoke in restaurants? 城堡被一层烟雾遮掩着。 1 The castle was hidden behind a curtain of smoke. 空气中烟雾弥漫。 The air was thick with smoke. 他注视着烟雾从香烟上升起。 He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette. 工人们无法清除隧道里的烟雾。 Workers could not clear the tunnels of smoke. 船笼罩在烟雾中。 The ship was wreathed in smoke. 牢记如果你发现火或闻到气味或发现烟雾时要立即通知船员。 Always inform a member of the crew if you detect fire or smell fumes or smoke. 他点燃雪茄,然后吐出烟雾。 He lit his cigar and exhaled smoke. 现在,我们再进行进一步的处理,让它看起来更像是烟雾。 Here we can make it look like smoke now. 多数受害者是因烟雾窒息而死的。 Most of the victims were stifled by the fumes. 汽车造成的污染既有烟雾也有酸雨。 Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain. 一辆卡车突然驶出烟雾。 A truck suddenly materialized out of the fog. 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ef0a5e6e6ad97f192279168884868762caaebb29.html