语言是一个地方文化的特殊载体,它是旅人来到一个新地方首先直接接触的,同时也是最难短时间内全面了解的。正因为如此特别,在此我很荣幸地向大家介绍我家乡梧州的方言—白话。 Language is a special carrier of local culture, with which a person has the first direct contact when he moves to a new place. At the same time, he hardly has a comprehensive understanding on it in short time. Language is so special that I deem it an honor to introduce the dialect of my hometown Wuzhou to you. 梧州位于广西东部,地处珠江流域中游。梧州市是一个具有二千多年历史的古城,称苍梧郡, 是岭南文化和粤语的最早发祥地。 Wuzhou city is located in the eastern part of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and in the middle reaches of the Pearl River basin. As an ancient city which has more than 2000 years history, Wuzhou is the earliest birthplace of Lingnan culture and Cantonese, was called Cangwu County in the ancient times. 汉元鼎六年(公元前111年),汉灭南越国,将岭南重新划分管理。自此至东汉建安十六年(211年)长达316年,苍梧郡治广信县(今梧州市区)一直是岭南的政治、经济、文化中心。从秦到东汉这段漫长的岁月,汉族移民将中原的文化、语言带到广信生根、开花、结果。 In the Han Dynasty Yuanding six years (111 years BC), the Han Dynasty redistricted and managed the Lingnan region, after subjugating the Nanyue Kingdom. From this time to the Eastern Han Dynasty Jin’an sixteen years(AD 211 years)for 316 years, Guangxin town in the Cangwu county(now the urban district of Wuzhou) had been the political, economic and cultural center of the south of the Five Ridges. 在古广信,随着汉人与百越人的进一步融合,中原汉语不断地吸收接纳一些百越土著语言,包括壮语,逐渐地形成了早期粤语。由于受战乱影响小,岭南人特别是广信人的粤语较多地保留魏晋年间中原汉语的面貌。 With the Han people making further communication with the Baiyue people in the ancient Guangxin town, the central plains Chinese developed gradually into the inchoate Cantonese by constantly absorbing the indigenous language of the Baiyue people including Zhuang languages. Due to the few effects of wars, Cantonese of the Lingnan people especially guangxin retained more features as the same as Chinese in the central plains during Wei and Jin dynasty. 梧州话传承千年,虽然因与粤港澳相邻,语言大受广州、香港影响,但仍保留了自身的特色。广州话,香港话,带有十分浓厚的感情色彩。而梧州话以自然为宗,没有太多的感情色彩,无为而无不为,平淡自然。白话之所以称为白话,就是白到什么都没了。归于平淡,归于水。梧州白话语音系统有声母21个,韵母46个,并且声调十分丰富,相比起古调平、上、去、入四类,梧州白话的声调可以分为阴平、阳平、阴上、阳上、去声、上阴入、中阴入、阳入等多个调类。 The inheritance of Wuzhou dialect has spent more than one thousand. Although the dialect is affected by Guangzhou and Hong Kong because Wuzhou is adjacent to them, it still retains its own characteristics. The Guangzhou and Hong Kong dialect both express strong emotions. The Wuzhou dialect, by contrast, taking "nature" as its destination, doesn’t express more feelings. “Do nothing yet everything will be done”. The Wuzhou dialect is called vernacular because it goes into wateriness and nature. The language and voice system of Wuzhou vernacular consists of 21 initials and 46 finals. What’s more, it has very rich tones including high and level tone, rising tone, falling tone, entering tone and so on, that is to say, the traditional four tones are divided meticulously into more tones. 随着时代的发展,梧州话越来越趋同于广州话和香港话,直到现在,每个地道的梧州人与广州,香港,澳门等地的人们用粤语交流都是轻而易举,收放自如,彼此间毫无违和感,而梧州人也十分喜欢粤语文化,每天都离不开粤语,离不开粤语歌和粤语电影电视。 With the development of the era, vernacular is becoming similar to the dialect of Guangzhou and Hong Kong. So everyone of authentic Wuzhou people can talk fluently to people of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao until now.Wuzhou people love extremely the culture of Cantonese all the time, and can hardly do without Cantonese, Cantonese songs, movies and TV series every day. 作为梧州人,我很自豪我懂得白话,我总是开玩笑说我懂得三门语言-粤语,普通话,英语,所以我希望更多的人可以通过我了解它。 As a Wuzhou person, I am quite proud of my understandings about vernacular so I usually use three kind of languages—Cantonese, Mandarin and English. Therefore, I hope more people can know about it through me. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3258fa00cc22bcd127ff0c44.html