
时间:2022-05-24 01:59:42 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

I want to wish everyone in China a very happy lunar new year. Just as the tiger symbolizes vitality and health, our foundation has continued to work over this past year for world where everyone has the chance to live a healthy and productive life, no matter where in the world they are. 祝大家新春快乐。正如老虎象征着活力和健康,在过去的一年里,我们的基金会也在不断努力,让世界上的每个人都有机会过上健康而富有成效的生活,无论他们身在何处。 The recent troublingand highlycontagious Omicron variant means the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over Since the onset of the pandemic China has worked hard to not only contain the virus,but also contributed to closing the equity gap by supporting other countries with many different supplies including great vaccines. This work is thanks to incredible efforts by many inspiring individuals and organizations. I'm hopeful that by the end of this new year, the COVID pandemic will largely be over.


I was also thrilled to hear the news that in June that the WHO has recognized Chinas remarkable success in defeating malaria, declaring the country officially free from the disease.Here again were seeing China pay it forward bycontributing towards efforts to achieve the global eradication of malaria


Although it's been another challenging year, I want to celebrate the progress that our Chinese partners have made,working alongside the foundation in fighting COVID-19,



strengthening health systems in African countries and ensuring more people in China and around the world benefit from life-saving innovations.


Because ofthese efforts, more people in China are getting vaccinated against cervical cancer and other infectious diseases,and China-made HPV vaccine has gained WHO approval and can now be used to prevent cervical cancer in women and girls where low cost vaccines have not yet been available Scientists in China use state-of-the-art technology to develop COVID-19 treatments and antimalarial drugs and new insecticides that prevent the transmission ofthe mosquito-borne diseases

由于我们的共同努力,在中国越来越多的人得以接种预防宫颈癌和其他传染性疾病的疫苗,我们还支持中国制造的HPV疫苗通过世界卫生组织认证,从而有望帮助尚未获得低成本疫苗的妇女和女童免受宫颈癌的危害。我们还资助中国科学家利用最先进的技术研发新冠疗法和抗疟药物,并开发用来防控蚊媒传染病的新型 杀虫剂和解决方案

And we worked with Chinese engineers to trial the OmniProcessor,machine that turns human waste into safedrinkingwaterwhilegenerating renewable energy.Pilot projects in both China and Senegal will help reduce disease transmission by using sanitary conditions


I could go on and on, but these were remarkable achievements really make me optimistic as I look to the year of the tiger. So like many of you,l believe the world can become better and I know that innovation and collaboration are key to getting there.


I look forward to once again being able to travel to China to see all of you and this work in person.But for now, have a wonderful holiday and a very healthy and happy new year!

我非常期待能再次去中国和你们相聚,并亲眼看看这些令人激动的工作。最后祝大家度过一 个美好的假期,祝愿你们新年健康快乐。
