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明喻也称直喻,即用我们熟悉的东西比喻我们不熟悉的东西。明喻表明本体(描述的对象)和喻体(用作比喻的事物)两种不同的事物之间的相似关系。常用as, like, seem, as if, as though 等喻词与另一种具有明显相同特点的事物加以相比,从而更生动,更形象地对该现象加以刻画,以增强行文的艺术表现力。

暗喻,又称隐喻,它的结构不同于明喻,不需要as, like, 之类的比喻词,而是直接把比喻对象和比喻形象(即本体和喻体)联系起来,暗喻是英语中最普通,最基本,也是最重要的修辞格,其含义含而不露,其含义需要想象,其产生的语言效果较之明喻也更为强烈,更加深刻。英语Metaphor一词来自于希腊语的metaphorn,意为 a transfer of a meaning. 它是 a figure of speech contain-ning an implied comparision, in which aword orphrase ordina-rily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another. 它不露比喻的痕迹,是比明喻更进一步的比喻。

Simile is namely that with the things that we know we don't know what metaphor. Simile suggests that proprioceptive ( description of the object ) and Yu body ( used as a metaphor for something ) two different things between the similarity relation. The commonly used as, like, seem, as if, as though metaphors and another having a

pronounced the same features compared to something, more vivid, more vividly the phenomenon described, in order to enhance the artistic expressive force.

Metaphor, also known as metaphor, its structure is different from that of simile, do not need as, like, such as metaphor, simile and metaphor but directly into the object image ( i.e. ontology and known body ) connection rises, metaphor in English are most common, the most basic, most important figure of speech, its meaning is contained and not gel, its meaning needs to imagine, the language effect than simile is also more intense, more profound. The English word Metaphor

comes from the Greek metaphorn, a transfer of a for meaning a figure of speech it is contain-ning an implied comparision, in which aword orphrase ordina-rily and primarily used of one thing is applied to

another." It does not reveal the traces of metaphor, simile metaphor is more than.
