用地道的英语和外国客人介绍中国传统节日(1) 腊月二十三----腊月三十: 腊月二十三----小年 December 23 of the Lunar Calendar(Little New Year) 习俗:祭灶 Custom:Worshiping the Kitchen God 腊月二十四----December 24 of the Lunar Calendar 习俗:打扫 Custom: Dusting 腊月二十五---- December 25 of the Lunar Calendar 习俗:糊窗户、磨豆腐 Custom: Pasting Window Paper and Making Tofu 腊月二十六---- December 26 of the Lunar Calendar 习俗:割年肉、置年货(Preparation of Meat and Shopping for the Spring Festival) 腊月二十七---- December 27 of the Lunar Calendar 习俗:洗浴、赶集(Bathing and Going to the Market) 腊月二十八---- December 28 of the Lunar Calendar 习俗:发面、贴春联(Leaving Dough and Pasting Spring Couplets) 腊月二十九---- 小除夕December 29 of the Lunar Calendar 习俗:祭祖(Paying Tribute to Ancestors) 大年三十----除夕December 30 of the Lunar Calendar 7:00-11:00 团年饭准备(Preparation for the Reunion Dinner) 11:30-11:50 拜敬祖先(Praying to Ancestors) 12:00-18:00 团年饭开席、发压岁钱(Enjoying the Reunion Dinner & Giving Lucky money 20:00 看春节联欢晚会(Watching Spring Festival Gala) 23:00-24:00 上香祈福(Offering Incense and Praying) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3878b434720abb68a98271fe910ef12d2bf9a912.html