【篇一】中国古诗的英语翻译 钱起 送僧归日本 上国随缘住, 来途若梦行。 浮天沧海远, 去世法舟轻。 水月通禅寂, 鱼龙听梵声。 惟怜一灯影, 万里眼中明。 Five-character-regular-verse Qian Qi FAREWELL TO A JAPANESE BUDDHIST PRIEST BOUND HOMEWARD You were foreordained to find the source. Now, tracing your way as in a dream There where the sea floats up the sky, You wane from the world in your fragile boat.... The water and the moon are as calm as your faith, Fishes and dragons follow your chanting, And the eye still watches beyond the horizon The holy light of your single lantern. 【篇二】中国古诗的英语翻译 五言律诗 钱起 谷口书斋寄杨补阙 泉壑带茅茨, 云霞生薜帷。 竹怜新雨后, 山爱夕阳时。 闲鹭栖常早, 秋花落更迟。 家童扫萝径, 昨与故人期。 Five-character-regular-verse Qian Qi FROM MY STUDY AT THE MOUTH OF THE VALLEY. A MESSAGE TO CENSOR YANG At a little grass-hut in the valley of the river, Where a cloud seems born from a viney wall, You will love the bamboos new with rain, And mountains tender in the sunset. Cranes drift early here to rest And autumn flowers are slow to fade.... I have bidden my pupil to sweep the grassy path For the coming of my friend. 【篇三】中国古诗的英语翻译 五言律诗 韦应物 淮上喜会梁川故人 江汉曾为客, 相逢每醉还。 浮云一别后, 流水十年间。 欢笑情如旧, 萧疏鬓已斑。 何因北归去? 淮上对秋山。 Five-character-regular-verse Wei Yingwu A GREETING ON THE HUAI RIVER TO MY OLD FRIENDS FROM LIANGCHUAN We used to be companions on the Jiang and the Han, And as often as we met, we were likely to be tipsy. Since we left one another, floating apart like clouds, Ten years have run like water-till at last we join again. And we talk again and laugh again just as in earlier days, Except that the hair on our heads is tinged now with grey. Why not come along, then, all of us together, And face the autumn mountains and sail along the Huai? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3a35863e51d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e3fdd.html