记承天寺夜游 译文 承天寺夜游是一首唐代诗人杜牧的名篇,描述了作者在夜晚游览承天寺时的感受和景色。以下是对这首诗的翻译: 承天寺夜游。 原文: 紫陌红尘远,长亭酒旗风。 春山烟欲收,乱鸦飞不定。 背人深巷静,倚槛芳兰空。 日暮倦潭绿,天寒翠色浓。 译文: Walking at Night in Chengtian Temple. The purple streets and red dust are far away, the long pavilion flutters with wine flags in the wind. The spring mountains are about to gather their smoke, the disorderly crows fly without settling. Behind people, deep alleys are quiet, leaning on the railing, the fragrant orchids are empty. At dusk, the weary green pond, the cold sky, the dense green color. 这首诗通过对景色的描绘和对内心感受的表达,展现了作者在夜晚游览承天寺时的宁静和美好。诗中运用了丰富的意象和修辞手法,表达了对自然景色的赞美和对人生的感慨,是杜牧优美的写景之作。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3b0a791b68ec0975f46527d3240c844769eaa086.html