
时间:2022-04-03 07:35:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Ching Ming Festival is the custom of the rich interesting , in addition to stress fire ban , grave-sweepers , and Ta-Qing , swinging , Cuju , playing polo , Liu inserted a series of custom sports . Legend This is because the Ching Ming Festival to Cool Food Ban fire , in order to prevent the Cold Food Observancebuffet , so everyone to take part in a number of sports to physical activity. Therefore, this festival both JiSao new grave BeiSuan tear, and the death of laughter, visit a outing a rich characteristic holiday.

1.扫墓 tomb-sweeping; It is in order to pay respects to sb at his tomb;

EgIt is also called Tomb-Sweeping Day . 清明节又叫做“扫墓日”。 2.荡秋千 playing on swings

EgPotential energy is the high part of swinging . The higher you play on the swing, the more potential energy you have.

势能则是你荡秋千时的高度。你荡得越高,你的势能就越大。 3.蹴鞠(即踢球)Cujua kind of anciet Chinese football.

4.植树 tree planting 5.放风筝 fly kites

6.踏青 Ta-Qinggo for an outing in the spring. 7.插柳 plug in willow

EgFor the most common and familiar and the deepest meaning of plants may bewillow . Outing a plug in willow . 踏青是最常见和熟悉而又含义最深的植物可能是柳树了。踏青有插柳的习俗。
