Mechanics of Materials考试试卷 (6)

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Mechanics of Materials

注意事项:1. 考前请将密封线内填写清楚;

2. 所有答案请直接答在试卷上(或答题纸上) 3.考试形式:闭卷;

4. 本试卷共六大题,满分100分, 考试时间120分钟

Problem score Grading person







Total score

I. Simple calculation problems total score 44

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01. A material is tested in tension. The stress-strain curve for material and the stresses and strains at point A,B.

(a) Determine the modulus of elasticity E.

(b) Find the elastic and residual strains when point B is reached.(score 5)

02. Determine the moment of inertia with respect to centroid axis zc.(Note: The diameter of the half circle is d and C is the centroid.) (score 5)


03. A and B shown in the figure have the same diameter d. Determine the maximum shear stress. (score 5)

04.A cantilever beam having rectangular cross sectional dimensions 200mm×60mm is made of the wood. A load F=2kN acts on the free end. The wood fiber at point A is at angle 45º to the horizontal.

Determine the normal and shear stresses acting on inclined section pass through the fiber at point A. (score 5)

二、Draw loading and bending-moment M diagrams for the beam based upon the shear-force diagram (see figure).(No concentrated couples applied on the beam)score 15


三、The rigid frame ABCD supports a couple forces F. Assume that the flexural rigidity EI is constant throughout the frame.

Determine the deflection δ between A and B using the energy method.score 15

四、A solid circular shaft AB of steel(G=80GPa) having diameter d=60mm and length l=2m is fixed at left end A. The wheel is rigidly attached to the end B of diameter D=400mm(see figure). The weight W=1kN hangs on the wheel by the steel cable. The cable has length l1=10m, section area A=100mm2 and the modulus of elasticity E=200GPa.

Determine the maximum shear stress in the shaft and dropping distance of the weight.score 15


. A cantilever beam AB with length a=1m shown in the figure supports a

uniform load of intensity q=10kN/m and concentrated load F=2qa(acting in xy plane, φ=30º). The section modulus S and cross-sectional area A are 237×10-6m3 and 35.5×10-4m2, respectively.

Determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses on the critical section of the beam. score 15

.The cantilever beam AC has circular cross section with diameter d=20mm. AB is pinned-pinned column. An object of weight G=600N is dropped onto the end of beam A from a height H=5mm.

Check the stability with respect to column AB using a factor of safety nst=2.5.(Note: Beam and column have same modulus of elasticity E=200GPa, λp=101, l1=2m, l2=1m, Iz=10-6m4).

