关于我的榜样英语作文120字带翻译精选篇1 关于我的榜样英语作文120字带翻译精选篇1 说起榜样,很多人或许会说,我的榜样是爸爸,我的榜样是雷锋叔叔,我的榜样是毛主席,但我的榜样却是我身边的同学------薛芃博,他很爱学习,他也很爱看书。 Speaking of role models, many people may say that my role model is my father, my role model is Uncle Lei Feng, my role model is Chairman Mao, but my role model is my classmate Xue Pengbo, who loves learning and reading. 有一次,下课了,别的同学都去玩了,就他一个人在为了一道题埋头苦干,终于看见他松了一口气,笑着说:”我终于把你这道难题解决了。”我佩服他持之以恒的学习态度。还有老师每次让同学们读书的时候,他都如饥似渴,看起书来我叫他他都不理我,真是个爱读书的好孩子! Once, after class, all the other students went to play. He was working hard for a problem alone. Finally, he saw a sigh of relief and said with a smile, “I finally solved your problem.” I admire his persistent learning attitude. And every time the teacher let the students read, he was hungry and thirsty. When I asked him to ignore me, he was a good boy who loved reading! 薛芃博我要向你学习,养成爱读书的好习惯。 I want to learn from you and form a good habit of loving reading. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d90392227a563c1ec5da50e2524de518964bd3b1.html