冀教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 2 Great People Lesson 8 学案

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Lesson 8A Universe of Thought

导学案序号:Unit2-2 课时:1课型 New lesson主备人:xxx 审批

universe , thought, mind, century, 学习重点 lifetime, solve, relativity, false, Switzerland, anyone, death(动词为die形容词为dead现在


分词为dying) , nuclear, weapon, conclusion, How to use the phrases and structures of pioneer 学习难点 sentences


Theory of Relativity 相对论

be famous for=be well-known for而出

学习 目标

do with 处理

go on to do 继续去做另一件事 give up doing sth 放弃做某事 pass away (婉辞)去世 句型结构:

be famous for ……be famous as 作为……而著名

stop doing sth 停下来正在做的事 stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事

in the field of 的领域


指导 知识 准备

通过课前预习掌握基本知识,通过合作探究解决较难知识,通过堂达标巩固所学知识。 Read the text and find out the phrases

1).最有头脑的人之一 2).上世纪 3).考虑宇宙 4).解决许多物理问题 5).先锋,先驱 6).犯错误 7).放弃 8).核武器 9).领域


Prerview the test

1.Answer the questions

1).What is he most famous for? He is famous for __________________.

2).What did Einstein think the most important thing was?

Einstein thought the most important thing was ____________________.

3).What did Einstein ask people to do in his last letter?

Einstein asked people to ________________________.

1. Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦以他的相对论最为出名。

famous 是形容词,意为著名地,相当于well-known

如:She is a famous writer.她是一位著名地作家。

be famous for 表示……而出名” be famous as 表示作为……而出名 如;Sun Yue is famous for her songs. 孙悦以她的歌而闻名。

Einstein is famous as a great scientist.


2. One week before his death, he signs his last letter. 在他去世的前一个星期,他签署了他的最后一封信。 death 是名词,它的形容词是dead, 动词是die 现在完成时中用be dead代替die 如:She died last week. 她上星期去世了。 She is dead. 她死了。

He has been dead for one week. 他已经去世一星期了

Try to introduce Einstein:

Einstein ____ born in 1879 in Germany. During his lifetime, he about the universe and many problems in physics. He is most famous for his Theory of. In 1905.He began to write articles and became a _____in the field of modern physics. He received __________ in 1921.He said:The thing is not to stop questioning.He Germany in 1933. Einstein in 1955. He told people to 达标检测

1. I think that your _______(think, thought) is false. 2. Einstein has been _____(die) for 53 years.

3. One week before his ______(die), he signed his last letter. 4. China is famous _____(for, as) the Great Wall in the world.

5. Einstein is famous _____(for, as) a great scientist.

5. -Do be careful with your lessons. You made ____ in your exams. - Yes, I will, mum.

any mistake B. little mistakes C. no mistake D. lots of mistakes

6. Cheng Long is famous ______ an actor. A. for B. in C. with D. as 7. When he came in , we _______.

A. stopped talking with him B. stopped to talk with him.

C. are stopping talking with him D. are stopping to talk with him 8. Why does he want to give up ______?

A. reading B. read C. reads D. to read

5) Einstein didn’t receive Nobel Prize _______ 1921. A. since B. until C. when D. in

9. -What are you thinking ___? -The universe.

/ B. about C. over D. for

10. What do you want to be when you _______?

A. are old B. grow up C. in the future D. will grow up Lets summarize the key points and difficult points together. 课后 反思

1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson. 3. Finish the activity book of lesson 8.

4. Preview the Think about it in next lesson
