
时间:2022-03-25 00:09:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



Spring Festival is the most festive traditional festival in China. 每逢春节前夕,家家户户都为准备过春节而忙碌。即使大家最忙,也会抽时间来做一些富有春节特色的食物传统美食茶果:包果蒸、炸煎堆、炸油角、做年糕等。在春节前,我也回到了乡下帮忙。我最喜欢就是炸煎堆。

Every Spring Festival Eve, every family is busy preparing for the Spring Festival. Even if you are the busiest, you will also take time to make some traditional food and tea fruits with the characteristics of Spring Festival: steamed fruits, fried heaps, fried oil horns, making rice cakes, etc. Before the Spring Festival, I also went back to the countryside to help. My favorite is frying.


How is the frying heap made? Let me introduce you to the authentic Guangdong special fried pile.


个地慢慢放进油锅里炸,还要不断加热。这时候,我们要用筷子把油锅里的粉团轻轻翻转,以免粉团粘在锅底被炸焦。 Prepare peanut oil, sugar and glutinous rice flour before frying. Stir the glutinous rice flour with sugar water and rub it into round dough. Slowly pour peanut oil into a large pot and heat it with firewood. When the oil in the pan boils, slowly put the previously rubbed dough into the pan one by one to fry, and keep heating. At this time, we need to use chopsticks to turn the dough in the oil pan gently, so as to avoid the dough sticking to the bottom of the pan and being fried.

几分钟后,粉团会慢慢变成金黄色,也会渐渐浮上来。这时候,要用油捞把粉团不停地挪动,煎堆就会变得圆圆的。 After a few minutes, the dough will gradually turn golden and float up. At this time, you need to use the oil to move the dough continuously, and the frying pile will become round.

大概十五分钟后,粉团就会变成金黄色的。煎堆做好了。 In about 15 minutes, the dough will turn golden. The frying pile is ready.

这时候,我们就用油捞把煎堆捞起来,放在盆子里,等煎堆凉下来后,大家就可以围在一桌品尝自己亲手做的煎堆了。 At this time, we will use oil to scoop up the frying heaps and put them in the basin. When the frying heaps cool down, we can gather

around a table to taste the frying heaps made by ourselves.


We took a little bite. It was crispy and sweet. The taste was good. It was golden and beautiful.


I heard from my grandmother that every family fried fried fried buns before the Spring Festival. It has always been uninterrupted. It means family reunion and sweet life, adding a strong atmosphere for the Spring Festival.


On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish you all a happy new year, good health and all the best!
